My girlfriend went to a tri clinic last weekend and one of the tidbits suggested was to trim off an inch from the bottom of your wetsuit to facilitate the suit coming off easier for faster transitions.
I was looking at some photos of some of the elite racers and I noticed they are about 3 to 4 inches above their ankles. Anyone do this ?
I haven’t, but it is a common customization that started with the ITU guys, I think. Because I pay for my stuff, I am loathe take a pair of scissors to it. However, I just decided that I will trim off a bit tonight in anticipation of Wildflower. I’ll let you know how it goes. God, I’m impulsive!
I’ve done this, mostly because I have along torso and short legs. It’s important to “seal” the stitching line so it doesn’t come unstitched with a good gob of Shoe Goo or similar wetsuit adhesive. Some new suits have a tapered or angled “speed cut” leg. These work quite well and you can acheive the same angled cut at the bottom of the leg with a little care and a sharp pair of scissors. Remeber, measure twice and cut once. It’s tough to put it back on once you cut it off!