Tri Bike Fit near Greenville SC

Can anyone recommend a good person to get a tri bike fit from near Greenville, SC (between Charlotte and Atlanta along I85). I am building my first tri bike and need to get a good fit for component sizing, not looking to get adjustments on an existing bike.


Al just opened a store in Greenville. He’s had his Hilton Head shop for years. They’ll treat you right.

Jim Cunningham has an awesome reputation around town and has helped hundreds of guys and gals get fit.

To complete the Big 3 in the area, there’s also Carolina Triathlon with locations in the West End on Main and also off of Woodruff Road a couple miles below I-85.

I have purchased two tri bikes from Randy at Carolina Triathlon and both fit me better than any bike I have ever ridden. He does an excellent job. I drove almost three hours to get my second bike because he did such a good job on the first.

Jim has done tri fits for me on 2 different bikes, and a fit for my wife on her bike as well. I simply can’t imagine having a better fit or being more satisfied with a fit service.