Trail Running

I tend to do most of my run training on some rather hilly trails in the area. Are there any negative aspects to using trails, instead of roads, for the majority of my run training? Are the two types of running physiologically different? Finally, how common is off road training (both bike and run) among slowtwitchers?

The main negative aspect is increased chance of spraining an ankle or tripping and falling. Last fall I tore all the ligaments in my ankle when I caught a tree root while running downhill. spent 9 weeks in a cast and have pretty much written off 2003 for any serious running or tri’s. Positives are better hill strength and softer ground for your joints. Last year I did at least one long run a week on trails. I would limit your speed and use trails for the slow easy runs, especially on downhills.

if you are training for a paved marathon or IM, make sure and do at least one long run on pavement. You need to know what that is going to do to your legs. Also - if your trails are a bunch of short trails (like mine) and the race has long extended hills, it would be good to replicate that as well… other than that you are training in a much nicer and forgiving place!!! Good for you.

I do almost all my runs exclusively on trails…some which I climb for over an hour uphill. I find there are benefits and some detractors. The major detractor I find is that you lose the leg speed that you gain on the flats doing tempo runs or track…this is a problem for shorter tri’s especially. I find though for ironman this type of running is great and one to be utilized because you can increase your mileage without the stress from the road. The other thing is I can increase my effort, without beating my legs up as most trails are hilly. I don’t notice my lack of road running in ironman…but I do notice it when it comes to 10 km’s and shorter runs…you need the speed work to get your legs turning over. Trails runs will undoubtedly make you strong…but those non power runners such as myself, don’t benefit nearly as much from it as I do getting my leg speed up.