Tour de France In Canada?

As a Canadian and Tour de France fan, I was pumped to read the potential of this happening in 2008 to celebrate Quebec City’s 400th anniversary. Realistically I doubt it, but just the thought that they are thinking about it (tour de france officials) is cool.

Here’s the story:

Sure would like this to happen. I love Quebec City. Probably has the most interesting historic architecture in North America. I won’t hold my breath though. However, I’ve already booked a B&B in Hamilton, Ontario for the World’s in October.

If they can get the Concord to land in Quebec (Mirabel should be able to handle it) I would not bet against it - and what the hell, land in New York City and you’re not far off.

  • 400 years of French history in North America - BIG deal in France, great publicity for the Tour at home

  • there have been persistent rumours of starting off in the States, this would be an excellent trial run to see if it would work out

  • because I have not prayed since grade school but will pray every morning and night for this to happen

  • because Canada is the secret headquarters of all things cycling and triathlon
