Bill Walton Vs. Don Cherry. Bill Walton is probably 3 feet taller, but Don Cherry could kick his ass any day (or at least bite his kneecaps off)
Every pair of skates worn in the NHL is cooler looking than the latest Kobe model 5000.
The NBA has players paying off the Crips and the Bloods, the NHL has players paying off the Russian mob. Russian mob has nukes - a clear winner.
Slapshot vs. that horrible Michael Jordan and the disney all stars monstrosity - no contest. Paul Newman and the Hanson Bros win, hands down.
Eastern European women. Anna Kournikova, anyone?
Radio Shaq ad campaign
Mario Lemieux’s Pittsburgh Penguins team was going to move, so he bought it - how cool is that?
The power play is way cooler than the free throw (although the foam-fingers behind the backboard do help.)
1 time out per team per game. Man up and play, for chrissakes!
Sudden death overtime. The most exciting thing in team sports.