The New Forum: Some Insights Into What's Happening

Wait. Hang on…

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I note that you are one of our 5 moderators as well. Do you also moderate other forums that are discourse specific?

Will all of our private messages eventually be moved over here to the new forum? I just looked and, unfortunately, only a fraction of my private messages are accessible.

Yes, we have more to import over from Gossamer.


Just highlight the text then hit reply… it takes care of it from there.

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@Rappstar Not sure who to send this to or where best to post.

But add to the list (way down) In Pref. when I go to change what I get email for, Replies that qoute me is the same box as @ or tags… I don’t need an email for every qoute, but I have a feeling tagging wont be used a lot so an email when tagged would be good. But as it is now, I either get both so a shit ton with a maybe 1 thats a tag, or I get none and miss the tags.

Like I said a down the road thing, but fixing that would be a big improvement to the notification side of life.

Why do I have to get a new password each time I try to sign in? It has been at least a week I think now. That seems kinda basic

I’ve been having people clear out their browser cache, then reset their password, to see if that causes it to cough up a consistent login. It seems to be working for the handful of folks that have reached out to me.

Reminder on p/w requirements: min eight characters, at least four unique characters, for new passwords. And they can’t be one of the 10,000 most common passwords, either. (Lord only knows what that list is.)

Then if that doesn’t work you can always tag @davidpaulyoung and team in.

I had an interesting authentication event his morning around 6 AM ET, right in the middle of replying to a thread I was logged out. When I tried to login again I got a message stating I do not have permission to access those resources. I was using Chrome on macOS, tried switching to Safari and it let me log right in using the same credentials. So I went back to Chrome and it was working again. Could’ve been some maintenance on the IAM stack.

you basically already had those sub-forums for “never trump” hope and joy is that you don’t ban 95% of the people that don’t support your opinion…