The "My Sweat Smells Like Ammonia" Posts Possibly Solved

I think people think they smell ammonia but its really just moist ass. Take a bath and scrub your bums stinkos.


Unfortunately, that isn’t it.
My wife and a friend have this issue. Neither of them swim. The smell is a result of your body breaking down your muscles because there is not enough carbs in your carb/protein diet.

My wife must take a HUGE amount of carbs for any runs that she does to prevent this. It ruins her desire to run (But she is a lifter) unfortunately.

Unfortunately, that isn’t it.
My wife and a friend have this issue. Neither of them swim. The smell is a result of your body breaking down your muscles because there is not enough carbs in your carb/protein diet.

My wife must take a HUGE amount of carbs for any runs that she does to prevent this. It ruins her desire to run (But she is a lifter) unfortunately.

To be clear, I was referring to the post I quoted and not to the original post. The one I quoted says the same thing you’re saying: get more carbs and water.

I’ve been smelling ammonia post-run-workout on occasion for a few years. This is a post from almost ten years ago that seems to discuss the factors related to that. I thought I’d bump the thread in case anyone else is experiencing this.

This is smell is a well known artifact of catabolism. I am surprised there was so much discussion about this.

Whether or not you have it correct, or it the protein thing, I don’t know.

What I do know is this.
IF I have been swimming recently (within the previous week) and Then I do a heavy run or bike session, I smell like ammonia.
IF I HAVEN’t swum within the week, I smell like Dorritos (corn chips)… - Go figure - Anyone got an explanation?

This whole thread is eye opening for me since, ya know, my sweat don’t smell.

This whole thread is eye opening for me since, ya know, my sweat don’t smell.

I thought it was eye opening that someone dug this up after 8.5 years.

Imagine being the original poster and getting notices of all the replies 9 years later. The answer is here medically explained.

I think I associated it to chlorine but its most likely connected to not drinking carbohydrates before and during swimming. Then later running in a pre dehydrated state and that kind of catabolic ketosis like ammonia smell occurs. On longer or harder running or riding.

I wonder if others can smell that like its an externally emitted body odor from your skin. I dont think it operates that way. To me I smell it from my own sweat in nostrils or in deep breath or in my sinus which comes from lungs which ought to tell you it’s some metabolic breakdown and its time to take a chill pill.

This happened to me last year when I bought into the whole “become fat-adapted” thing. So stupid. It took months to return to normal and my bodyfat is still 2% higher at this point even though my weight is back to the same as before I tried this failed experiment. Smelling like cat pee is not fantastic. Losing muscle mass and a near DNF experience is worse.

I get that smell when I go really, really, really hard sometimes. Usually only running, maybe happened twice while biking…even if I haven’t been in a pool in a year, and don’t take aminos or protein supplements.

I always figured it was some sort of switch to burning protein or fat for energy or something.

This information is great. The next time the cat pees on my workout clothes, and I refuse to wash them, I’ll have a better explanation for the odor.

I can confirm this. I had exactly the same experience.
In fact I got here when I googled “swimming pool made sweat smell like ammonia”.
I slept without showering after swimming, then the next day my t-shirt smelled like ammonia. ( Not chlorine - I know what ammonia smells like.)
I eat plenty of carbs, and never smelled ammonia in my sweat before.
So yeah - I definitely think your theory is right.

I can confirm this. I had exactly the same experience.
In fact I got here when I googled “swimming pool made sweat smell like ammonia”.
I slept without showering after swimming, then the next day my t-shirt smelled like ammonia. ( Not chlorine - I know what ammonia smells like.)
I eat plenty of carbs, and never smelled ammonia in my sweat before.
So yeah - I definitely think your theory is right.

if the OP’s sweat still smells like ammonia, then there’s a real problem there.

Dannngg, this thread has been resurrected as many times as trump has been impeached!

ka-chow-chow :wink:

I get that smell when I go really, really, really hard sometimes. Usually only running, maybe happened twice while biking…even if I haven’t been in a pool in a year, and don’t take aminos or protein supplements.

I always figured it was some sort of switch to burning protein or fat for energy or something.
Same here. I get it more often when biking, but either way, only when I go really hard, and typically only outdoors. I suspected that the smell was coming from my lungs though. Not sure why, it’s been a while since I’ve had it and I can’t remember.