"The Matrix"

I don’t know how many articles I have read about “the new way” or “the matrix” that supposedly produces the best splits at Ironman distance races. They claim that doing 45min to an hour of intense rides is all you need for a “base” and your ready for a fast 112 mile split. I can’t hardly believe any “pro” would be doing that over the true base or distance work to prepare for an Ironman event. I definately believe that shorter interval work on the bike in essential for speed and power but I can’t believe a 45min session will allow you to do a fast 112 mile bike without any distance under your belt. You get a base by doing long rides(2-6 hrs) at a low heart rate that is completely aerobic which galvanizes your body so that it will be able to handle(recover) the hard stuff later on in the season. Just a thing that I have been wondering about lately.

ive never an article that said that 45-60 min of hard riding is good for an IM. But if i did i would laugh and disregard it. I think theyre trying to prey on societies get rich quick mentality, in this case get fit quick. The reason i know its not true is that i ride hard for well over 60mins and im not in good enough shape to race 112 miles. I could finish 112 miles on 60 min a day but not race it quickly.

I agree wholeheartedly. I once asked Scott tinley how he got so fast for so long and he said “Long, fast rides”. I asked Greg LeMond the same question four years later and he said exactly the same thing.

I’ve never seen an article such as you mention, but I can say that I’d never believe it for a moment. If it were true, then Zack and Hellreigel better watch out, 'cause Mr ADD (who can focus for up to 60min) will be breathing down their necks next year!

Next they’ll be telling me that mall walking will be the secret to sub 2:20 marathon success!

I used PC Coach software for last years IMUSA and the longest recommended ride was 4:05 (15 min warm-up; 3:35 min ride; 15 min cool-down). Even pressing the pace on a group ride at 22 mph thats only 80 miles, not nearly long enough. I have friends who did 130 to 150 mile training rides for other IM distance events and they did much better than me.

There was a local pro cyclist around my parts a few years ago. One year he had a breakout season, and ended up going to race in Europe. Everybody kept asking him his “secret” that year. He said he used the European training method. 100 miles on Monday, 100 miles on Tuesday, 100 miles on Wednesday… Nobody would train with him until he started winning, then everybody wanted to.

There is no shortcut. My best year in triathlon was the one where I rode at least 300 miles a week and ran 45+. If I really wanted to be good again, I would do that. I don’t want to put 40+ hours a week into training, however.

There are no shortcuts.

I don’t agree either. Training for a IM and only doing about 1/10 of the total distance per day doesn’t give you enough endurance to keep that pace going for 10 times the distance.

Well, atleast the movie, “The Matrix,” is good. Hehe =)