The "I got ripped in 4 weeks Banner-Ad Guy" is from my home town!

What a coincidence, it must be true right?

You tell us, is it true, did he get ripped in 4 weeks?

I got ripped in one night, but that’s a different story :slight_smile:

Nice one!

I ripped the newspaper this morning, does that count?

Hmmm…perhaps I should have used pink font.
I believe that no matter where you are in the world, if you click on the banner-ad above, low and behold it will be “Hi, my name is … from (insert your home town here) and I got ripped in 4 weeks, you can too.”

I was surprised to see this kind of advertising here on slowtwitch, facebook/myspace yes…but slowtwitch?

Oh, he’s from Chicago, just like me! I’ve probably seen him around.