The Bikes of the Fastest Pro Riders in Kona 2024

it would be interesting if this article was updated with power data and riders weight/height

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Kallin uses a Frank Paddle cockpit and not Uniqo.

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Seems like all the pros got the memo about cranks except Matthew M. Do we know who and if he has a fitter??? I mean its ok for Rudy who is 6’5" to ride 175’s, but he seems to have short legs looking his run form?? Either way, his legs have to be many inches shorter than Rudy’s and this more closed up hip angle could be one of the factors in his ascending runs…

Rumored to be a hinged bottle cage extension behind the seat

Probably wont ever happen… Just FYI

Why not? I know some didn’t put their power on Strava. Probably because they don’t want others to know how much assistance they got from short following distance. I think I saw one doing 250w

Rear derailleur hanger?


I’m assuming that the hinge is so that it sways in the crosswind?

Information is tough to gather my friend. And Im not going to start something we cant do every time we report it.

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What’s the deal with bi, tri,4 spokes. Are they making a comeback?

well 250 watts for 59 kg , and he could be 58 kg, is 4.25 watts p kg so thats looks ok and we do not know how power is calibrated etc etc and if course you want to know cda as well … so at the end of the day just power numbers dont mean much without the full context

what you really want to see is race ranger time in the drafting zone comparisons …

yes great idea!

so what’s up with all of the bikes (11 of 15, I think) that had this? My memory of what’s been written on here is that the savings from ceramic bearings were insignificant.

And why are they referred to as rear derailleur hanger?

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So this whole time when people recommended “get an extra derailleur hanger” to new road cyclists, they’ve been talking about $600 cages? :joy:

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My guess is that for the pros, the main savings for using these ospw from a single manufacturer are not measured in watts, but in dollars.


Its like when all the pros were wearing that metabolic sensor crap on their arms. Zero value, but $s for sponsorship and pimping on social media. They need to make a living somehow.

Do you mean Supersapiens? On the one hand, you’re right - they disappeared once the sponsoring money stopped flowing. On the other hand, there’re plenty pros using some type of CGMs, Knibb and KB for starters.

yes, those guys.

Maybe KB/Knibb have a contract that’s still alive and they are paid to wear it. Maybe they like the feeling of a needle in their skin 24/7 and maybe they snacked on too many Haribo and developed type2 diabetes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My point is, when the blitzscaling failed and the money dried out, (almost) everyone dislodged them from their arm and they are gone. Also, at the peak of this collective stupidity I couldn’t find a single article/review that could actually explain the benefits for training/racing. The best their paid athletes could say is its “interesting data”. So yeah, snakeoil for sure.

And the ceramic oversized nonsense is similar. So many articles about how you are better off with dura-ace jockey wheels (at fraction of the cost). At least you don’t have to stick these things under your skin. Oh, and they look cool.

Finally, I am not faulting athletes for pimping this crap. They need to make a living somehow.

I think your knowledge on the continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) is very shallow.

These devices have significantly improved the life quality of people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Outside of those with the illness, in the sport area these can help understand your metabolism better. You can see your levels when you’re exercising, you can see & time the effects of consuming breakfast and e.g. sports nutrition, you can see how caffeine affects your glucose levels, you can see how long does it take to start burning fat and how quickly you’re depleted from glycogen.

There’re multiple start-ups trying to further develop and enhance these devices. Only in Switzerland there’re a few. With needle and without needle. From blood, from subcutaneous tissue, from sweat, from skin surface etc. Supersapiens is/was merely one brand in the whole market. The next step is to allow for lactate measurement / approximation with these devices.

Is any CGM worth the money & effort for me or an average AGer in 2024? Definitely not for me and probably not for the AGer. But the pros have higher stakes in this game.