THE BEST tubulars, bar nothing

I need some new tubulars for my Lew Sydney’s (18 or 19mm wide?). If cost were no object, what are THE BEST tubulars for that wheel?

I was told Continental Competition (around $100) is THE tire with the LOWEST rolling resistance.

I was also told that Tufo S3 Lite runs much wider than the 19mm they claim, and has high rolling resistance.

Any comments?

There really is no question that the best tubulars in the world are made by Andre Dugast. His tires are omnipresent on the track at the world cup level, and pretty much every top 'cross rider who isn’t contractually obligated to ride green tires uses his product. The VAST majority of his output winds up on pro cyclist’s wheels in europe, re-labelled with names starting with “V,” “H,” or “M.” If you look at a pro’s bike and his tires have all black tread, but his sponsor makes ones with some funky color scheme - he’s probably riding Dugasts, and he paid for them.

These tires are the best, period, and the only tires available that are still completely handmade, “like they were in the good old days,” by a little old man sitting in a workshop. It’s actually pretty amazing to me that his products haven’t made their way to the Tri market yet. I’m not kidding, these things are astonishingly better than the crap I read people raving about here :0)

Conti’s are good tires. All things considered, probably second or third best tubis currently available.

The only compelling reason to buy Tufo road tires is the flat resistance - don’t get me wrong, that’s a damn good reason in and of itself, but don’t buy them because they’re fast tires, or because you can pump them up to an utterly useless PSI level. Buy Tufos (if you do,) because their sealant actually works, and because sometimes it’s better to have tires that you know aren’t as fast as some others, but are definately the fastest tires out there when they have a piece of glass sticking out of them.


Tufos, all the way. They seem to glue up much easier than Continentals, Great PSI range, and they resist flats well.

Where do you get Dugast tires?

If Conti’s are third, who is second?

The US distributor for Dugast is Euro-Asia importers. They will not sell to you direct, but you can ask your LBS to order for you. Be forewarned, Dugasts are very expensive. Wholesale on these is about what you are used to paying at retail for other tires. If you get a set, DO NOT USE FASTTACK ON THEM!!! Fasttack will eat the glue holding on the rim tape and may also cause the tead to de-lam.

I think that Conti, Vittoria, and Veloflex all make good tubis. The Michelin service corsa are also pretty good. None of these are in the same league as the Dugast, but they are all quite serviceable.

Tubular tires are very much an item that is done better by hand, using materials that do not lend themselves to mass production.


I need some new tubulars for my Lew Sydney’s (18 or 19mm wide?). If cost were no object, what are THE BEST tubulars for that wheel?

I was told Continental Competition (around $100) is THE tire with the LOWEST rolling resistance.

I was also told that Tufo S3 Lite runs much wider than the 19mm they claim, and has high rolling resistance.

Any comments?

I too am looking for a better tubular option. On Cobbs site he claims that Conti GP’s are the fastest tubulars and are “10 feet per mile” faster than Tufo’s. I use Tufo S3 lites right now, 22mm front and rear.

I am going to switch to Conti GP 19mm front /23mm rear tubulars because, according to this data, I’ll have to roll 250 feet less on a 40k to reach the finish.

I’m trying to confirm the data.


Where did you get this “rolling resistance” data from? I can’t find it on their site. I’m curious about it.

I remember seeing JC’s rolling resistance test results a few years back, and the things that I seem to remember are:

-most of the tires that were tested rolled pretty similarly, with the exception of the Tufos, which were much slower.

-he definately didn’t test everything, and the test is pretty dated now. To give Tufo the benefit of the doubt, their Elite series of tires may well be faster than the tires they were making then - they (the Elites) have a much more supple casing, which should result in lower rolling resistance (although I have heard a compelling argument made that tubeless tire have intrinsically greater rolling resistance than tires with tubes.)

This would be a really good test subject for Mr. Willett…


The kind that don’t have a slow leak and all tha air is gone the next day;-)
I use TUFO and am very happy with the quality.

Tufos are the weight they claim, and in my opinion, are the best value out there. I have a tubular from them that is actually five grams lighter than what is on the sidewall!!!

Don’t forget Veloflex- they make some mighty fine tubs. They are also high-dollar tyres, as well.

for 650c and 700c the new Elite Jet’s are VERY hard to beat. They roll great (440 tpi) and are incredibly straight and durable. The new High Composite Carbon Lite’s are nice too, but only in 21mm and 700c. I know several riders that use a YELLOW S3 lite <165 18mm front and a YELLOW S3 lite <195 19mm rear.

I have had the chance to ride Dugast tires and their performance is exemplary, however the durability is very poor, they delaminate long before the tread wear would render them worn out and the sidewall is like tissue paper.

Conti makes “Sonderklaase” sp? and “Olympic” tires that I’ve used on the track. They are very very fast, but I was on wood and comparing them to S3 Pros from tufo that are quite grippy and not so fast. These are handmade tires, like Dugast’s but wholesale on the Olympics are nearly $200 each.

Where or how does one score tyres from Mssr Dugast?

Enquiring minds want to know!

If my memory serves me correctly, I believe Schwab cycles had Dugast in their most recent catalog.

The best way to get these tires would be to have your LBS special order them for you. Tell them that the distributor is Euro-Asia, and they should be able to get them for you.