Matt, you did not read the post. I made it quite clear that I dont know or care what the government thinks, be it the French or the Germans. 70 to 80 percent of the people that live in those countries do not want this. If the governments in those countries side with the US it would be against the wishes of the people. What would happen here if the government acted against the wishes of the people? oh it has, thats why you’re here…and an independent nation. Who are the governments of France, Germany and Britain answerable to? their electorate or US foreign policy?
Matt, for the record, because you disapprove of a government or their actions, it is not a right of the western world to go in to that country and implement a regime change, like it or not. No one is saying they like Sadam, hell people dont like the governments in N Korea, Iran, the Royal Families in the Middle East including but not limited to Saudi and Jordan, China, Yemen, Tunisia. I’m sure if push came to shove I can come up with another half dozen distastefull lunatics that we would all be better off without but that does not mean we have the right to go in and oust them under the guise of WMD, terrorism or some other cause…when Heider was elected in to power in Austia and if Le Pen had been elected in to power in France, what would have the US’s policy have been? take them out? given that both of these people felt Hitler was someone to be idolised they presented a threat to Europe no different than Hitlers and the US has clearly said that this action is based on a potential threat…
Chris, I am sorry that you have to or may have to go back, I disagree with your assesment of the situation.If those countries all choose to step aside, and I think Blair is under huge pressure not to follow through on this as well for the same reasons, what happens if the US goes and finds that it is spread to thin?
There are British troops in Bosnia, fighters left yesterday for the Gulf, I believe that I saw that carriers and destroyers were heading their last week but I may be mistaken.
Anyway, this whole conversation is somewhat mute, whether you agree or disagree you dont want any troops from anywhere to come to harm.
You are not going to reach any kind of concensus here.
The reporting on both sides of the Atlantic is incredibly biased in pretty much all the media and at the end of the day it is clear that the European people dont support any action ( and that here at least more than 50% are in favor of it ( but the polls are not as readily available here.
Thats it…