T100 Triathlon World Tour (PTO 2024)

I just figured Taylor wanted to get one more draft legal racing prep in.Are you @Kyle.Glass’ shill?
Race Ranger set at 20m will ensure there’s minimal ‘close encounters’. And I’d also point out that Knibb will just be blasting past after taking time to put socks on in T1. She’ll have no company for any of the 80km.

Hah, just having fun.

But there’s ZERO evidence that race ranger will ensure there’s minimal close encounters (I guess we can argue over close definition), and a lot of evidence race ranger will be used to yoyo in and out of the draft zone with deniability;
here come the excuses already:

  1. There’s a lot of hills in San Francisco, you can’t expect people to pass on a hill just because they’ve entered and exited the draft zone 5 times in the last 10 minutes?!
  2. There’s a lot of turns in the course, you can’t expect people to compensate for that and pass if they get into the draft zone on every single turn??!?

There are some athletes who when they enter the draft zone, they pass, even when it sucks and they worry they’ll simply have to get passed back again. And there are some athletes who yo-yo in, getting a resting break and point to course ambiguity/difficulty. Race ranger enables the latter and the PTO doesn’t seem to mind so far.

Hah, just having fun.
There are some athletes who when they enter the draft zone, they pass, even when it sucks and they worry they’ll simply have to get passed back again. And there are some athletes who yo-yo in, getting a resting break and point to course ambiguity/difficulty. Race ranger enables the latter and the PTO doesn’t seem to mind so far. Was an ‘on point’ comment, in glacial style.
Just this w/e we saw Findlay having to burn matches with several athletes with MPro licenses (who had RR on of course) during the St George ride. With her for almost the whole 90km were Webster and Scheel. And we saw her ‘live’ having to burn matches when they slowed, and then yo-yo-ing past later; and again.
They’re clearly capable runners, btw, as they ran 1:16 and 1:17.
Back to T100, I hope that there’s an earnest and unhurried effort to educate the ref cabal (USAT certified) they deploy on the loop through the Presidio on how RR works and how moto referees can use its indicators sensibly. It needs to be used for repeated errors, not the first red flasher they see, using any flashes as an ‘alert’. And take into account the concertinaring you’re bound to get in dips and into corners so tight that braking may be applied by the leading indoor Zwifty. The following athlete(s) get minimal or no benefit from temporary closing up of that kind as any cyclist noe.

Men’s start list added today (but only 16: no wildcards):
Baekkegaard, Chevalier and Laidlow missing, and still no sign of Neumann.
Van Riel there, as previously heralded. I do hope he’s not adversely affecting his build up to his Olympic dream (to achieve an even better place than in Tokyo).
Brownlee (fit again?) and Gomez on it too.
Assume Keulen will be added as one of four wildcards.
Will a rib stress fracture stop he who must not be named (PTO Rank #20) from accepting the wildcard he has surely been offered? Can he rehab in less than 50 days from injury?
Laundry a possible wildcard? And maybe Appo (after IMOz success) and Stepniak (after #7 in Singapore)
Will the PTO delay on the last wildcard slot till after Mallorca and Iden’s comeback?


I’d love to see Lagerstrom get a wildcard considering his past success at Escape from Alcatraz.

And to all the folks wondering why Knibb is racing and worried for her short course prep, this is nothing. No doubt she hasn’t changed her training for the games one iota, and she will race this on that training. Look what she did at the 70.3 in oceanside with maybe one or two sessions only for that longer distance, crushed the field by 11 minutes. It is all the same sport folks, and when you are as good as she is, just doing your normal training for whatever race you are pointing for, gets you pretty much able to any distance up to double what you are training for.

No doubt she is one of the best (if not the best across all distance) all round triathletes in the world right now. But you are looking at things from the perspective of an ITU athlete stepping up and doing well at middle distance, i.e. adding some long runs and bikes. If she was the fastest ITU athlete I’d tend to agree with you, but she isn’t. Her run isn’t at the level of Potter or Beaugrand and IMHO I’d be having her work on all out flat run speed. She is unlikely to bike away from the field in Paris because she will come out the swim with a pack of other athletes some of whom will be capable of sitting on her wheel. To win the Olympic triathlon, as has been proved in every event so far held, you need to be the best runner.

Nicola Spirig did a 70.3 2 weeks before winning Olympic gold in London - when she could have done a sprint in Hamburg - because Sutton thought the aerobic run would be better training than running fast in competition that close to the games. Where Knibb’s training is at and with her injury history - it’s probably best she isn’t running too much fast stuff honestly. I don’t know that pushing the razors edge is the best way for Taylor to get ready for the Olympics personally. This could be a brilliant sustained hard effort which might be what’s needed for her in Paris whether we think she can get away or not.

Not really quite the same. He who shall not be named wanted Nicola to race a 70.3 as a means to slow her down in training only two weeks before the Olympics. The work had all been done, it was a way of making sure she would not kill herself training high intensity and risk injury this close to the big day. And with him, there’s also always some mental game going on (in preparation of his athletes).

Not to say that I think Taylor doing SF is a big negative deal for her Olympic prospects. Just saying it’s not exactly the same as what Nicola did back then before both London and Rio.

Id love to see Eric get a start, but I’m sure he’d be interested unless it was the actual Escape course, which is highly unlikely.

Glad they sorted this out. I’d love to see the details.

Screen Shot 2024-05-09 at 10.07.46 AM.png

I am surprised there hasn’t been more conversation about this over here as it seems to have caused a fair bit of uproar on IG. Of course this is all coming out in the wake of Youri winning since he’s not in a Registered Testing Pool and his coach’s former team all got busted for doping at the last Olympics. This does seem to be a major oversight by the PTO and I hope they sort is out ASAP as every single athlete, especially contracted ones, should be tested out of competition. Take the money from the prize pool if necessary.

Items promised for which we are waiting:
Location of Grand Final (some leakage already)Activation of a drug testing programme for T100 athletesReveal of contract Story behind Malibu donation (not going to be a T100 venue) Here’s what Renouf said (on the main ProTriNews interview the day after they shared all the T100 details):
@32:50 Drug testing: “clear plan for doing this, in and OOC programme, in conjunction with World Triathlon, for all T100 athletes and also others” (inferentially those liable to get wildcards).
“at the right time that can be part of the narrative” Clearly it’s “the right time”: RTP for T100 to start forthwith:
Is Keulen “on the T100 Tour” or is he a perpetual wildcard? I imagine he wants to be in the RTP with urgency.
They can’t put every wildcard in their RTP (expense), surely… . latest PTN pod and Jack Kelly’s episode with Tim Hemming.May 1: . . . both Jack & Talbot agreed with PTO to speak-up now, knowing PTO has a drafted response ready to be made public. It’d then work as a “we listen to you & react adequately” message.Well estimated Michal!!

Keulen now has a contract for the rest of the series, so I imagine there aren’t any obstacles to putting him on wherebouts other than formal obstacles possibly created by World Tri (as they will be in charge of the execution, for sure).

No LCB!! Why? She said she’d be racing every one.

Bit of a life change due to a newly diagnosed health issue.

Seems like a relatively easy, but annoying, thing to take control of. The rest of the field are probably bummed she’s only going to get faster.

Seems like a relatively easy, but annoying, thing to take control of. The rest of the field are probably bummed she’s only going to get faster.

Didn’t know a food allergy affected bike handling skills….

Didn’t know a food allergy affected bike handling skills….

Like in Singapore where she was terrible right? ….

Didn’t know a food allergy affected bike handling skills….

Like in Singapore where she was terrible right? ….

Yeah that’s a pretty ignorant take.

Glad they sorted this out. I’d love to see the details.Here’s the PTO announcement, with details:
wef 7 May (edited):
One global TRI Registered Testing Pool (RTP) including T100 contracted athletes who were not already in an RTP.Inclusion of T100 wildcards after an athlete’s third race
Coordination by the ITA, on behalf of World Triathlon
“These anti-doping measures underpin everything in the partnership between World Triathlon and the PTO and cement the T100 Triathlon World Tour as ‘the official World Championship Tour of long distance triathlon’.”

The following athletes would seem to be swept up by this (**several have been in an RTP for years **but not in April 2024):
Lawrence (?, has her contract lapsed?)
Neumann (is he still contracted?)

Get used to Whereabouts guys!

and if they get one more wildcard:

Glad they sorted this out. I’d love to see the details.Here’s the PTO announcement, with details:
wef 7 May (edited):
One global TRI Registered Testing Pool (RTP) including T100 contracted athletes who were not already in an RTP.Inclusion of T100 wildcards after an athlete’s third race
Coordination by the ITA, on behalf of World Triathlon
“These anti-doping measures underpin everything in the partnership between World Triathlon and the PTO and cement the T100 Triathlon World Tour as ‘the official World Championship Tour of long distance triathlon’.”

Aren’t we calling T100 & 70.3 middle distance these days?

Men’s start list added today (but only 16: no wildcards):
Baekkegaard, Chevalier and Laidlow missing, and still no sign of Neumann.
Van Riel there, as previously heralded. I do hope he’s not adversely affecting his build up to his Olympic dream (to achieve an even better place than in Tokyo).
Brownlee (fit again?) and Gomez on it too.
Assume Keulen will be added as one of four wildcards.
Will a rib stress fracture stop he who must not be named (PTO Rank #20) from accepting the wildcard he has surely been offered? Can he rehab in less than 50 days from injury?
Laundry a possible wildcard? And maybe Appo (after IMOz success) and Stepniak (after #7 in Singapore)
Will the PTO delay on the last wildcard slot till after Mallorca and Iden’s comeback?


I’d love to see Lagerstrom get a wildcard considering his past success at Escape from Alcatraz.
Only 4 wildcards per both races, reflecting the average number of wildcards for all the remaining regular T100 races.
(Chura turned an offer down - why?)
(Keulen turned an offer down - he is concentrating on estimating how far 10m looks when you’re behind another athlete. Though tbf those red flashing lights are a clue.)
Neumann (ProTriNews) looks like not racing T100s (despite contracted) and racing IM Cairns to qualify for Kona.

Contracted athletes not starting:
LCB (why? - coeliac diagnosis doesn’t stop training and racing, does it. Will she be OK for London?), Lawrence (obv), and Spivey and Duffy (who both raced superbly in Japan yesterday)
Neumann, Baekkegaard, Laidlow (why), Chevalier

Men’s start list added today (but only 16: no wildcards):
Baekkegaard, Chevalier and Laidlow missing, and still no sign of Neumann.
Van Riel there, as previously heralded. I do hope he’s not adversely affecting his build up to his Olympic dream (to achieve an even better place than in Tokyo).
Brownlee (fit again?) and Gomez on it too.
Assume Keulen will be added as one of four wildcards.
Will a rib stress fracture stop he who must not be named (PTO Rank #20) from accepting the wildcard he has surely been offered? Can he rehab in less than 50 days from injury?
Laundry a possible wildcard? And maybe Appo (after IMOz success) and Stepniak (after #7 in Singapore)
Will the PTO delay on the last wildcard slot till after Mallorca and Iden’s comeback?


I’d love to see Lagerstrom get a wildcard considering his past success at Escape from Alcatraz.
Only 4 wildcards per both races, reflecting the average number of wildcards for all the remaining regular T100 races.
(Chura turned an offer down - why?)
(Keulen turned an offer down - he is concentrating on estimating how far 10m looks when you’re behind another athlete. Though tbf those red flashing lights are a clue.)
Neumann (ProTriNews) looks like not racing T100s (despite contracted) and racing IM Cairns to qualify for Kona.

Contracted athletes not starting:
LCB (why? - coeliac diagnosis doesn’t stop training and racing, does it. Will she be OK for London?), Lawrence (obv), and Spivey and Duffy (who both raced superbly in Japan yesterday)
Neumann, Baekkegaard, Laidlow (why), Chevalier

I wonder if LCB is skipping San Fran because she is worried about the bike course being very technical. She does almost all her training indoors and I don’t know if she is that confident with her bike handling skills. I also think that is the real reason she not doing Nice this year. It’s definitely her prerogative to choose the races she thinks best suit he skill set, but would also be nice to see her face new challenges.

Glad they sorted this out. I’d love to see the details.Here’s the PTO announcement, with details:
wef 7 May (edited):
One global TRI Registered Testing Pool (RTP) including T100 contracted athletes who were not already in an RTP.Inclusion of T100 wildcards after an athlete’s third race
Coordination by the ITA, on behalf of World Triathlon
“These anti-doping measures underpin everything in the partnership between World Triathlon and the PTO and cement the T100 Triathlon World Tour as ‘the official World Championship Tour of long distance triathlon’.”

Aren’t we calling T100 & 70.3 middle distance these days?In the World Triathlon lexicon it’s either ‘short’ or ‘long’: there’s no middle way.
Holly Lawrence talks about the impact of the revelation (to some) that not all athletes racing T100 are in an RTP.
Here at 24:55: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/holly-lawrence/id1734243615?i=1000653935534
Her criticism (entirely justified I think) is that the context and detail was not sufficiently included: eg several of the list were removed by Ironman from its RTP on 1 April (eg her and West, et alii).

Men’s start list added today (but only 16: no wildcards):
Baekkegaard, Chevalier and Laidlow missing, and still no sign of Neumann.
Van Riel there, as previously heralded. I do hope he’s not adversely affecting his build up to his Olympic dream (to achieve an even better place than in Tokyo).
Brownlee (fit again?) and Gomez on it too.
Assume Keulen will be added as one of four wildcards.
Will a rib stress fracture stop he who must not be named (PTO Rank #20) from accepting the wildcard he has surely been offered? Can he rehab in less than 50 days from injury?
Laundry a possible wildcard? And maybe Appo (after IMOz success) and Stepniak (after #7 in Singapore)
Will the PTO delay on the last wildcard slot till after Mallorca and Iden’s comeback?


I’d love to see Lagerstrom get a wildcard considering his past success at Escape from Alcatraz.
Only 4 wildcards per both races, reflecting the average number of wildcards for all the remaining regular T100 races.
(Chura turned an offer down - why?)
(Keulen turned an offer down - he is concentrating on estimating how far 10m looks when you’re behind another athlete. Though tbf those red flashing lights are a clue.)
Neumann (ProTriNews) looks like not racing T100s (despite contracted) and racing IM Cairns to qualify for Kona.

Contracted athletes not starting:
LCB (why? - coeliac diagnosis doesn’t stop training and racing, does it. Will she be OK for London?), Lawrence (obv), and Spivey and Duffy (who both raced superbly in Japan yesterday)
Neumann, Baekkegaard, Laidlow (why), Chevalier

I wonder if LCB is skipping San Fran because she is worried about the bike course being very technical. She does almost all her training indoors and I don’t know if she is that confident with her bike handling skills. I also think that is the real reason she not doing Nice this year. It’s definitely her prerogative to choose the races she thinks best suit he skill set, but would also be nice to see her face new challenges.

Is Max Neuman still a contracted athlete? A no-show in SF means he will be missing 3 and he is clearly fit if he is doing IM Cairns? PTO surely can’t be making an exception otherwise others will be asking for one if needed?

Is Max Neuman still a contracted athlete? A no-show in SF means he will be missing 3 and he is clearly fit if he is doing IM Cairns? PTO surely can’t be making an exception otherwise others will be asking for one if needed?
This was discussed on the PTN podcast with Pat saying hes heard rumors Max is basically ignoring the PTO and deciding not to do the series. He expects the PTO to make an example out of him. Not a good look for sure.