…Did these bars fall by the wayside, or what, are they still planning to be released, or were the cancelled as far as production…they looked sweet at the time…anyone…with the scoop
That I’m aware of they disappeared off the radar. They are so stealth, they don’t even exist…
does this mean you have given up on recieving the HED bars?
not at all, I am getting my new Santa Cruz Roadster built up with the HED’s (they shipped last week), liked the SC geometry better than the Kestrel.
I’ll be out at Fiesta Is thiis weekend, Santiago Canyon next. Should have the SC up and running after that.
Here’s another SC, I’ve got the same frame and fork but build up differently:
are my eyes playing tricks on me, or is that a little dog head on the right pedal. I’m going to have to miss those next two time trials. Making a little trip to Boston tomorrow, then driving back, finally moving the girlfriend down here to paradise. Good luck, and keep us posted on the potential call up.
Do you race your roadster with aerobars in tris and what not, and if so how is it… I personally think it is a kick ass road bike but curious to hear if it can do double duty…
thanks Mike
Im building it right now, no rides yet, very aero frame