You can think of it like how fast would a round ball push through the water vs a hot dog shape of the same mass. And a lot of us have drifted to that ball shape over the years, I want my hot dog back!!!
What about the guy that smashed them all? What did he wear?
as always it depends but overall there is a reason why swimmers take up 20 minutes to get into their suits . at the same time if you cant breath its no good
often the least comfort that is tolerable is speed
He wore Venom (never heard of myself).
5 and 6 are the wrong way round! Kieran Lindars is in a Synergy (as is written on his chest in the photo)
We fixed it.
Number 13 is actually Kacper Stepniak, not Kristian.
and 10 is paul schuster not peter
i haven’t swum in the variety of models and sizes of swimskins that monty has. i know that with wetsuits there is such a thing as too tight, and that’s really true the older you get, when you just don’t have the muscular power to overcome the constriction in the chest of a really tight suit. but i don’t think swimskins have the same constricting force as do wetsuits, tho monty would be better at answering that than i am, and by constricting i am in all cases talking about breathing constriction. really tight wetsuits, if they’re made correctly, still give you plenty of shoulder mobility and by “made correctly” i’m partly taking about sufficient torso length and too many wetsuits today are too short in the torso i’ll take the wetsuits i made 30 years ago over most of the wetsuits made today. (but i digress).
Haha I like that. I try my best to stay, umm, hot dog shaped?
What I think would be really beneficial is a suit that kinda pulls up on your legs. Like one where it’s very hard to bend over. Seems like it would help body position.
I heard a bunch of pre race talk about the special swimskin Magnus was going to wear, but haven’t heard a single thing about since. Any insight on what he was wearing?
you would have heard a lot more had he made the front pack
it would have been sold as a game changer
it was made to measure which is obviously the key aspect of a suit
it was white
If we are looking for an outlier in that top 15 and a suit to go with it, I would say it was Rudy and the Ark suit he wore. Not entirely familiar with all those names, but for sure Rudy had and out of this world swim to make that elite group. Not familiar with that Ark suit, but would love to test one to see if there was indeed some difference to the others…
Zoot has their new HydroX which is a rebranded suit made by Finis. I tired a small as that’s what I wear in their P1 race suit and found it too tight, it constricted breathing. I was then told they do run really small so I moved to a Medium and it was perfect. One instance where tighter the better, which I generally agree with, failed me.
rudy the world champ specialist was in the lead pack in nice as well last year
Just scrolling through and found this thread. Thought it’d be cool to see what everyone else is wearing too! I had the Rocket Science Sports venom swim skin. Feels rather similar to the open water suits I used to race in for the 10km. I really like it, and it doesn’t get wet. The fabric is hydrophobic!
Thanks for confirming and congrats on your great swim.
Out of curiosity, could you describe your first 30-60 minutes post the swim? How were the bike dynamics with you among pros?
While thinking about whether your question had legs (was it as little as 10 minutes?). Foley and Weiss swam 55 and both of those blasted away from T1.
I came across this from Thorsten, 10 years ago: