Similar to the previous post on running-related injuries, I had difficulty posting the tables as they are images added to the posting. Also, the tools provided below were created to be used by physiotherapists. They are a compilation of the risk factors discussed in the tables. The quantity and quality of the studies included in this review are not at the same level as those in the running article. It appears that there is a significantly greater amount of research on running-related injuries as compared to swimming-related injuries. This may be due a higher incidence of injuries in runners, however, I have not looked into the statistics.
The injury risk screening is assessment that I created and used to assess swimmers in the national and provincial high-performance swim programs. There are a many ways to assess for the same risk factors. Please email me if you would like a link to the original article. Enjoy!
SWIMMING-RELATED INJURIES: A literature review with an injury risk screening
Michael Rosenblat
PT, CEP, NCCP(Triathlon), Dip.(FLM), B.A.Sc.(Kin), M.Sc.(PT)
Evidence-Based Coaching: Making science work for athletes
There are a number of assessment screening tools that are used to assess the risk of developing an injury in competitive and recreational sports. The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) was one of the first tools created for this purpose. However, a recent systematic review with meta-analysis has shown that there is little correlation with FMS scores and injury risk (4). This may be due to the fact that the FMS was not created to assess sport specific risk factors. It was created as a general tool to assess common movement patterns.
In order to develop a valid outcome measure that can be used to assess the risk of developing swimming-related injuries, it is necessary to determine which injuries have the highest prevalence and incidence in swimming. It is also beneficial to have a greater understanding of how certain characteristics, including stroke specialty, mechanism of injury, etc. are associated with the described swimming-related injuries.
Once there is a clear understanding of the common swimming-related injuries, it is possible to determine the risk factors that are directly related to each injury. The appropriate variables/risk factors were collected and incorporated into a structured orthopaedic assessment tool.
The tools provided below have not been assessed for validity or reliability. Additional research would be beneficial to determine the psychometric properties of the assessment tools.
Incidence of Injury by Stroke Specialty
Prevalence of Injury by Location
Incidence of Injury by Location
Injury by Location Resulting in Missed Time
Incidence of Injury by Condition
Mechanism of Injury
Pain Pattern
Clinical Findings in Swimmers with Shoulder Pain
Shoulder Pain
Low-Back Pain
Knee Pain
Freestyle Pathomechanics
Breast Stroke Pathomechanics
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