Hey guys, really appreciate your positive comments, have just read them all, can’t reply to all of you, but I’ve read ALL of them and saying a big thank you.
Just woke up (8 am Hawaiian time), feeling much better.
Now I can go to the toilet pretty fast, almost like normal (used to take me 5-7 min to get up, and then go step by step while bending end holding my knees, and then going back).
I can walk straight again, but turning the body left/right results in sharp pain in the center of low back.
Lying in bed is mostly fine, though some movements are painful.
So far I like the progress (it was 9/10 yesterday - not able to walk at all, only crawl on all fours, all movements are painful).
Right now is ~ 5/10.
No running is possible, might be able to take a walk (1 mile) to the expo afternoon and maybe take a dip in the ocean.
The doctor in Kona Community Hospital told me that it’s a muscle strain/spasm. There were no MRI necessary he told. Rest, medication, patches, then leg exercises (knee raises to the chest).
I’d suggest that maybe you should also smoke a joint, but there’s that pesky issue about it being a banned substance re:competition.
That’s funny - Uber driver getting me back from the hospital suggesting that too and was ready to give me some for free.
Yeah, don’t wanna risk with the doping.
Will keep your posted.
Thanks again.