Story of Calvin


great story on Calvin on your daily editorial. It’s always enjoyable to read stuff like that.

Thanks Mike. Happy Holidays and congrats to you!

For others who may care to read “The Story of Calvin” here’s the link:

Agree…nice story. Congratulations, Mike. Those hot summers in Mobile did the trick. Are you doing Powerman Alabama this year? Pen Clark, who you beat at the Dannon New Orleans a couple of years ago, is going and he needs some incentive to train harder.

Bob Sigerson


you’ll have to tell Pen that I probably won’t be at Powerman again this year. I’m going to work a bit more on triathlons this year since I am doing Ironman Canada and hopefully Hawaii. Powerman is just the week before the California Half and that is a big race for me this year, as is Wildflower Half. I’ll still hit a bunch of the Dannon races though, Florida (maybe), Phoenix, Carlsbad and Palm Springs.

Great story Tom.We need more guys like Michael R.who are willing to give there time to see juniors develop like this.Shame on me.C.W.

Congrats Mike on being selected as an All American!

Thanks for all the kind words about “The Story of Calvin”. The girls at the coffee shop across the street saw the story and now give him free bagels. He doesn’t know what to do with his new celebrity.