I posted the other day about squeal with my carbon rims and pads…I cleaned up the pads with acetone and lightly sanded them to get residue off. I also clearned the carbon rims carefully with slightly diluted acetone and took off some dirt, but I can’t get rid of the squeal. I am using the black koolstop pads…someone at the LBS mentioed a different color koolstop–do people have suggestions or other products to use? Baffled.
No luck with my previous tricks, huh…
Try “red/orange” Koolstops.
Try putting more toe-in on the brakes (if yours allow it).
Are these Zipp rims or something else?
toe in means putting the front (leading edge) of the pad closer to the rim than the rear, correct? okay thanks
That is correct, sir! Just a hair.