Is the Look Ergo stem worth the extra wieght if it allows me to get lower in the front?
Do the dimples in Zipps wheels make you faster?
What’s up with Peter Ried’s sucky position?
Just keeping it real.
Is the Look Ergo stem worth the extra wieght if it allows me to get lower in the front?
Do the dimples in Zipps wheels make you faster?
What’s up with Peter Ried’s sucky position?
Just keeping it real.
Well done.
Does running a lot really make me faster?
I got an Ergostem for some experimentation a while back. I live in an area with lots of what we call “Carolina Pave” (tar and gravel, aka chip and seal). I went far beyond the prescribed torque recommendations on the two pivots and I’d still come home with my aerobars pointing at my front hub. Glad I got it from my LBS. They bought it back from me.
As for the dimples, I can’t tell you if they make Zipps faster, but they sure made Shirley Temple cuter.
And as for Peter, he could kick my ass any day … so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.
Just keeping it surreal.
Bob C.
Here come those crazy thoughts again.
Yes, but there are better adjustable stems.
Yes, but not a lot. But some is better than none.
Peter’s position is pretty good.
Tibbs…dont tell them that we have a sectret thing in PM’s…keep it real here buddy, keep it real…
Keeping our secert is keeping it real so to stay real i will keep our secert for real.
Really? That is really nice…I really mean it. For real.
Maybe. John Cobb may have put it best when he said, “Never sacrifice one watt of power output for one gram of drag savings.” I believe in what Cobb is saying, and feel a position- especially for guys like you and I (recreational athletes) should be built around (in this order): 1. Comfort; 2. Power Output; 3. Aerodynamics. Note that I consider bike handling a component of #1. Getting lower isn’t necessarily the answer to getting faster…
I don’t know. They may, and it is unlikely they make the wheel any *slower. *Be that as it may, the wheels were very fast before the dimples, and the dimples- let’s assume for one moment they are only marketing (I don’t know that to be the case)- do seem to be something consumers recognize as significant. The dimples may be faster. As Slowman has said (about something else), there may not be a way to test for this.
It makes me laugh when people post photos of a pro’s position and suggest something like, “See… see… The pros are doing it… that makes it right. That makes it the best! That is the way! The pros are doing it! See…!” I consistently see as many problems with the pros positions as I do with the AG’ers, sometimes more. The bigger problem with the pros is that, since they are The Pros, no one can tell them anything. so they go on riding their bad positions with very basic positional and fit errors that most posters on this forum could spot. What’s up with Peter Reid’s position? Why nothing… After all: He’s a Pro… It must be right! Right?
Just keeping it real.
You can get just about as low for a lot less $$$ and less weight with a Ritchey (or Nashbar) adjustable stem.
<<You can get just about as low for a lot less $$$ and less weight with a Ritchey (or Nashbar) adjustable stem.>>
I thought more weight was good…you know…the flywheel effect. Besides, if it’s cheaper…doesn’t that mean it’s not as good?
You are CORRECT on both counts.
I would agree with Tom. I used to try to get really low. I found that if I’m higher, but comfortable, I got faster.
I love you and your big, fat, shiny head.