Source for after-market replica decals?

I just got a good deal on an old stock (2000) P3 frame. Problem is all the decals are cracked. If I recall correctly, there have been past threads on companies that make aftermarket replica decals. These decals don’t look hard to remove, anyone know where to look for good quality replacements?



Go to a reputable vinyl decal/sign maker. They can scan your decals and make new ones in any colour you wish. That would be the easiest solution. I have had a sign maker do everything from make O.E. decals to print my jersey. Ask a few people whom they would recommend.

Hey bunnyman,

Welcome back!



I was gone to Jolly Ol’ England for nearly three weeks. I gained nearly a stone (about ten pounds to be exact), but had lots of fun. I went to a lovely shop in Yeovil (Tri UK) and brought back a few cool things. I also got to see the new Half IM office whilst there.

Again, thanks for the welcome.