Sore Hip

Looking for some advice on sore hip rightside, Pain on side of hip area and only occurs while running…starts to hurt after mile or 2 and pain gets worse as I go farther. Bone scan and X-rays negative

Age, weight, running history? Any changes in shoes or other equipment? Did you see an ortho surgeon?

Can be so many things - iliotibial band, piriformis, sacro-iliac, referal from the lumbar spine, arthritic hip joint, leg length differences, etc, etc.

You can’t get an exact diagnosis over a forum. Go see a good chiro or PT.

"Did you see an ortho surgeon? "

Why would you recommend an ortho surgeon. If you’ve dislocated your hip or fractured it then definately see an ortho surgeon, but for these type of (most likely) soft tissue injuries, what can a surgeon do for you? That’s why I suggested a chiro or PT.

Generally the questions people ask have a lot of assumptions built into them so it’s better to get clarification up front with more information.

My ortho worked with a pt in house to diagnose injuries.

You sound like you can diagnose over the internet with very little information so obviously any outside expertise is unneeded. :slight_smile:

The reason I asked is because most ortho surgeons are busy enough already with surgery and don’t want to be bothered with anything else. If it’s a non surgical problem then they generally send to the PT clinic. For the non surgical soft tissue type problems they’re often not the best for diagnosis or treatment.

I say this because I worked my way thru chiro college as an ortho technition in a very busy ortho department in a large hospital and in practise have always maintained a good relationship with local ortho guys. I refer patients to them if it’s something that is beyond what I can offer.

There are certainly exceptions but most ortho docs have their main focus on surgery.

consider the tensor fascia lata. It is the muscle at the upper end of the ITB. If it stops as soon as you stop and if it hurts to lift your leg out to the side when you are experiencing it, or if it hurts to hop on that same leg when you have it, it is a definite maybe. hip abductor strengthening, stretching, higher cadence running and massage might help. See a sports med doc or an orthopedist if your not sure.

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October 2005 edition of Physician and Sports Medicine