Sodium tablets

I have a long ride in hot weather coming up and I am considering using salt tablets…two questions, well, three…1) what brand should I use? Endurolytes? Lava? 2) where can I get them? internet? NYC store?? 3) and what is suggested usage…frequency as well as swallow whole pill or dissolve in water bottle??



1.) I’ve used both with good results. I like Lava Salts better, smaller tablet, more stuff. I also have a cast iron stomach, some people complain that the Lava salts cause them some GI distress due to concentration. Use in training before you race on them.

2.) Internet seems to be the easiest to find them. I haven’t found a store that carries Lava Salts locally.

3.) Usage varies by person. I sweat like I sprung a leak and crust up pretty good. The suggested usage on the bottles seems to be a pretty reasonable starting point. See what works for you.

They don’t dissolve all that well. I tried it, you end up with a bunch of grit in the bottom of the bottle, makes that last swig pretty nasty.

I’ve had good luck with the endurolytes. Living in FL, I take them on any workout longer than an hour. I take 2 about 30 minutes before starting. During the workout, I take 1 every 30 minutes, unless it’s real hot, when I take 1 every 20 minutes.
