Slowtwitch...what is happening? What am I looking at

I honestly don’t think that I ever used the mobile version. What’s the URL?

I’m trying to find a PM that someone sent me right before the switchover.

I was wondering who that was!

Right, I see that on many posts. But there are many others that are blank but they seem to be a reply.

Make no mistake: I’m not criticizing just for the sake of criticizing, nor am I just being a cantankerous get-off-my-lawn type (even though I am).

I get it: this is an enormous undertaking, even just getting it live. I’m 100% positive things will get better, and I’m sure there are tons of people working their asses off behind the scenes. I apologize that my original post came off as straight-up asshole.

I’ll keep working at it, and maybe once things get lined out and I have some time to customize it, I’ll like it better. I’m hopeful that it will at least be easier to use at that point.

  • Jeff
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Yep you’re right; I see that now.

We haven’t finished do all the imports. The last 2-ish days are yet to be imported. We still need to import private/direct messages. There are a few other things to be done to have the migration “complete”. We stopped because we wanted to ensure the platform ran fine with the user loads first, then we will finish up the migrations. Thanks for your patience!


You’re good. the former user though…? Join the new team. it’s going to be shirts v skins.