Short stack cervelo headset spacer

OKay for some unknown stupid reason cervelo sends the tall stack spacer with their bikes now for the headset. I need the short one because it defeats the whole purpose of me trying to get low on this bike wiht a 2 cm spacer. Where can i find just the top part? I really don’t want to spend 60 bucks to get a whole new headset just for that one spot.


You can buy a short-stack top cap from Cane Creek or FSA. Like so:

Its not the topcap i need, its the piece in between the stem and the frame.


Cane Creek and FSA refer to that as the ‘top cover’ - I think what you need is the IS short cover but you might call Cane Creek at 800-234-2725 to make sure.

You’re right. You need the top cover, not top cap. Again, though, Cane Creek sells those without your having to buy an entire headset. Check their web store for one with a low stack height.

are they both the same?

Fsa/cane creek?


Not positive that they’re compatible with one another, though I’d imagine they are. I’d just get the one specified for your headset. So, if you’ve got a Cane Creek IS, get that top cover. Ditto FSA. Oh, and if you do have CC IS, don’t worry whether the cover is IS2 vs. IS6 or IS8. Those are all compatible.

The CC IS short (8mm) cover works well. Austintricyclist mentioned using an FSA one but they don’t seem to be as easy to get hold of.

Do you even need a spacer there? I think Felt uses a similar arrangement and I thought you could just remove that part entirely.