A few days ago I think it was jtenniswood who asked what I meant when I refered to a triathlon bike shoe’s strap opening “away from the drivetrain”. For the answer see the shoe feature I put up today on bikesportmichigan.com
Any commetns guys?
Another excellent article, Tom. I bought a pair of the DMT R3’s in September and now I’m pissed that they are comming out with the preferred strap design. I bought them because of the fit. It was one of those matches made in Heaven. Absolutely no movement–none, but they don’t feel “tight.” I knew it the second I put them on they were for me. Shoot, if I had only waited.
I agree Great article Tom! One question I’ve always worn the Carnac Tri Shoes & love the real stiff soles. (In fact in my current pair I’ve done two Ironmans, two half ironmans & numerous Oly/sprints & all the training for in & I’m still wearing them). I do tend to do a lot of longer rides & I was just wondering how you compare the stiffness of the sole of the Carnac to the new Shimano Tri Shoe?
That’s a good question and one I can’t give you an honest answer to yet. I have almost no miles in my new Shimanos. I can tell you I had no complaints with my (old) TRS-1Ks. They were plenty stiff. Thanks for your kind words. We put a lot of work into the photos and graphics.
Tom, did you forget the Northwave Evolution Multisport shoe or do they not make that shoe anymore? I can say that I didn’t much care for the feel of that shoe. Too rough inside and the shape was really wrong for my foot. It was a two strap model, but opened/closed opposite of what your preference is for tri-shoes. It was heavy too, even with the carbon fiber sole plate. Not nearly as comfortable as Carnacs or Sidis!
I never heard of that one. Thanks for the information. We tried selling Northwaves for a while and had issues with fit. They were unusual.
Having ridden both, i can tell you that the shimano shoes are WAY stiffer than the Carnacs (at least as compared to the UCS3 sole that I had). The Carnacs I could get a small amount of movement with my hands. Shimano’s have none. That is combined with a stiffer cleat mount, since there is no adapter plate, and a smaller foot to pedal distance.
If they fit properly (very important since they will not break in, they either fit or they don’t) go with the shimano’s.
I just checked the traffic on this feature on our site. It is getting HUGE traffic. looks like we timed this one right. Now, If I could only figure out what pedal system I want to use…
I just checked the traffic on this feature on our site. It is getting HUGE traffic. looks like we timed this one right. Now, If I could only figure out what pedal system I want to use…
Do you have plans to review the new Shimano 7750 pedal system? Do you have any initial thoughts you would like to share with us now? I'm a long-time Look user who is intrigued by the new Speedplays, especially after reading the review on your site. After seeing the add for the "Lance" pedal, I'm intrigued by those too.
Yes, I am meeting with our new Shimano rep Bill Rehor right this very second as a matter of fact. I am doing a review of the “Lance” pedal as we speak. Stay tuned…
Go with the Shimano. One of my customers said, “…it is a better mousetrap.” I could not agree more.
Great shoe article. Thanks.
Good article, Tom. This concept of bike shoes fitting tightly is the same as when I got skates for ice hockey. I generally wore skates that were between 1-3 sizes smaller than my street shoes, as it allowed maximum power transfer to the blade. I always felt this way about any shoe that was not to be walked upon, as the foot cannot move around. Slop in shoe=ineffieciency on pedal or ice
I never found a Sidi shoe that fit me. I have always been a Carnac fan, but since Lemond is not their poster boy (and subsequently not their shoe model) these days, their fit has gone downhill (for me). I got the last pair of shoes built on their old designs (Ellipse), as none of their newer ones fit me worth a darn when I was shoe shopping last year. I could not get a good fit with Sidi, Northwave, Shimano, and newer Carnacs.
I suspect I will have to go custom next time I need shoes, as thirteen years of hairdressing has made my feet do very strange things in relationship to fit. I am too wide in the front and way to narrow in the back for most standard designs.