I’m looking to buy a pair of Shimano shoes (I’m getting a good deal on the Shimano brand).
I’m trying to decide between the R214 (top of the line and expensive), the R150 (three straps, the one I’m leaning towards) and the new TR01 (a triathlon shoe).
The TR01 has only one strap and little loops to help get in and out of the shoes. I consider myself a triathlete, but I’ve read that it’s sometimes better to go with three straps for comfort. Does anyone have any experience with any of the shoes? If so, which would you recommend?
Our experience with Shimano shoes has been, to some degree, disappointing but they have made substantial improvements for '03. Specifically, I did not like the shoe rocker (or curve from heel to toe). I felt they, along with the Nike Hautecam, were too flat for most of our customer’s pedalling styles. We do look forward to their promising tri shoes though, and have bought some based on positive to exposure to the samples. More later… I use a standard road shoe and a tri shoe, usually using the road shoes for the longer stuff and the tri shoes for the short stuff
I got a pair of the tri shoes for Christmas and I haven’t been able to do any riding with them yet (friggin snow and cold…) but they fit really well and have an ultra-stiff sole. They are replacing Carnac tri-shoes which also have only one strap and I never had any problem with them. The Shimano shoes are much easier to take on and off and the strap opens on the opposite side so it won’t catch on your drivetrain if you’re slipping out of them early and riding in on the tops of the shoes… a nice feature for sure.
The Shimano tri shoes are really stiff and much more comfortable than most other tri shoes. They were designed with feedback from a few of the top Aussie triathletes (Macca, Miles) Although three strap shoes have potential to be more comfortable they are much slower to get into and I find there is too much adjustablity - I tend to overtigten one strap then sprend the rest of the ride trying to find where I should have put them (on my time equipe pro’s)
“Specifically, I did not like the shoe rocker (or curve from heel to toe).”
Have they changed that for '03? I hope not, for those of us with really flat feet, the Shimanos were great. folks with arches could always wear sidi, diadora, or several other brands. Us flat footed folk only have shimano. (Carnac is marginal)
I have the SH 150’s—and the TRS01’s are going to be ordered as soon as i get back to the States. I wanted a shoe that i could ride in, and maybe do some racing in. The 214’s got the buckle----and if i see someone fiddling with a bucke in a triathlon i will laugh out loud. The 214 is a pure roadie shoe, i see the 150 as inbetween but leaning toward a road shoe (unless your doing longer stuff, where T times arent as crucial), and the TRS—is obvious a tri shoe that could be ridden for road riding ofcourse.
If your a size 47, i got a brand new pair of 150’s that dont fit me (i’ll let em go cheap)----thats what happens when you order something without trying it on first.
I’ve got the TR01’s and really like them. I’ve had them for about 9 months, done an ironman in them and found them very comfortable and stiff. The one big strap is easy to use (my old ones had 2 straps) and held my feet firmly but without pressure points.
I’ve even learnt how to get in/out of them while cycling which I never got the hang of on my old shoes.
Recommending shoes (of any type, e.g. running, biking,work, etc) and seats is very difficult. Not only are our tastes different but so is our anatomy. Having said that- Santa brought me the new Shimano tri-shoe for Christmas. Best tri-shoe I have ever worn and I think tri-shoes (assuming you can get a proper fit) are well worth using, certainly in shorter races anyway. Little air vents in sole are really cool (but a little too much so this time of the year-especially, if you are who I think you are, Charlotte is like it was last year). FYI- Santa also splurged for the pedals. I have used look cleats for 15+ years (still have my original pedals on my trainer). These pedals are the heat.
I am Adam Pomerantz from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. I am going to Charlotte today for tomorrow’s marathon, which has a high of 34. Who are you, that thinks you know who I am? Am I who you thought I am?
You are, but my reference to Charlotte was for MAP. I am Jeff Blackwell. We do same races, but I am almost twice your age. I watched you more closely back when you raced clydsedale, since I was right on the weight limit, but guess we both lost weight. Good luck in Charlotte.