Shaving the legs

Many of the arguments you’ll hear for shaving are bunk. But there are some valid reasons.

  1. Vanity - Muscle definition is much more pronounced. Girls dig it. Makes you feel fit, fast.

  2. Road rash - by far easier to treat and dress hairless skin.

  3. Much easier for bodymarking.

  4. Peer pressure - everybody’s doin’ it.

LOL come on now, there are more guys in SVTC with shaved legs than just the two of us

Now I’m LOL! I certainly hope so, otherwise I can’t even use the peer pressure excuse with my wife!

I wonder how many women really do like it, we haven’t had a single one comment.

But then I have a personal interest in hoping the women like the hairy ape look.

Every girl I date likes it. They may think it is wierd at first, but they like it.

Why shave?

  1. Vanity.

  2. Heat loss.

  3. Feels good.

  4. Feels sexy.

  5. Fishnets. (TMI, sorry)

How high? as high as your shortest shorts. I shave above my speedo line. seeing a guy who only shaves to his cycling shorts line is pretty strange. Also, if you shave your legs, shave the top of your feet. Again, imagine somebody seeing you with shaved legs, but your feet and thighs are hairy as a bear in winter.

Shave with? Mach 3. Use shaving cream or hair conditioner. You are worth it!

Think you still look cool at a race with hairy legs? Tun on the WWE, yes pro wrestling. Look for the guy Albert, or I think he goes by A-train or something now. Compare his hairy self to any other wrestler, almost all of which who shave. See who looks better. Now imagine yourself looking like Albert, and go shave.

I haven’t had hair on my legs since I was 18 years old. 22 years of smoothness. Hair on your legs is a nasty, dirty habit.

Top 5 reasons to do it:

  1. The amazing feeling you get when you get into soft sheets right after you have shaved/moisturized

  2. The amazing feeling when you get into the pool after just having shaved

  3. It looks cool/different and makes you seem “hard core”

  4. Chicks dig it

  5. 2 naked bodies in a bed, both with shaved legs…that is the ultimate!

oh yeah, there is also the road rash thing, aerodynamics, blah blah blah…


Im a chick, I dig the shaved legs.


Wouldn’t hairy legs impair your “That Guy” status? And of course vice-versa?

Girls seem to like it.

Oops, that was me. Darn. I have these two usernames all mixed up.

I started shaving my legs before there was any hair to speak of on them (got my start as a roadie pretty young) - and well before I started shaving my face. I can’t stand having hair on my legs. I think it looks weird. All of my girlfriends ended up liking it, even if they thought it was weird at first.

Every once in a while when I’m working on a really huge project I’ll quit shaving for a while (hey - some people grow a “playoff beard”…), but truly relish the feeling of bare legs when the project is done. Bare is the only way to go!

For whineyass’s question about tackling them the first time.

Just take some hair buzzer things to get most of the hair off. After that, you know what to do.

I shave like a girl, all the way up baby. Once you start getting compliments you can never go back. Although shaving is not what I really do, it is waxing. Real men wax.

Reverend Dr. Jay

“I wonder how many women really do like it, we haven’t had a single one comment.”

Was in the LBS with my wife. There was a guy in there in his bike shorts. He had really muscular legs that were shaved. Noticed the wife was gawking at him. As we we leaving my wife says to me “it’s too bad you don’t have nice muscular legs like that, then you could shave yours to.”



1/ It looks so much better. Hairy legs out of cycling tights? Never!

2/ Your muscles whow much more and it is a motivating factor.

3/ It looks much better. Yes, many girls like it.

4/ You feel water much more when swimming.

5/ It looks much better. Life is short, I won’t go as fast as a champion but I will feel like one.

6/ Cleaning wounds after road crash.

7/ It looks much better. What the heck!

I’ve heard several different theories:

(1) aerodynamics

(2) less road rash

(3) faster healing of road rash

(4) easier to massage

(5) because the pros do/everyone else does/to be part of the crowd/etc…

Add: the best reasons:

 (6)   Wetsuit comes on and off much easier 

 (7)  Massage does not pull the leg hairs.