Series that offer Half Ironman Distance

I’ve been doing some searches but am struggling to find this. What all race series offer races of half Iron distance?

Ironman 70.3, HITS, and some of the REV series.

Subaru Tri Series in Canada

You also have a few local events like SuperFrog… hits like someone said!


SetUp Events puts on good races, but do they have a series?

I’m not really looking for a series to race. Specifically I’m looking for a half distance towards the end of March or beginning of April. I have found Oceanside 70.3 as an option. Wanting to see if there is any others around the same time.

White Lake Half is April 12. Put on by set up events (same company as B2B). It is part of their North Carolina Tri Series.

Toughman Triathlon now has 3 half distance races: New York: 9.7>>> Indiana: 5.31 >>> Arizona: 6.22!