Seller's market on ebay

…anyone else following ebay. Seems the prices are off the wall. Items are selling for a lot more than in the fall. I’ve also found a good time to buy on ebay is just after X-mas. Guess the best indicator of the season starting is to follow ebay. Supply and demand.

Yeah it’s been this way since the start of the new yr. I am a frequent visitor to ebay and the prices jumped about 30% maybe more since the fall. I am talking only about bike related stuff, not sure about the rest. I figured it was the new yrs resolution syndrome.

Definitely agree. I bought an old Zipp disk on ebay in the winter of 2002. I didn’t do enough research on it before I bought it and was pretty disappointed to find out that it wasn’t what I wanted when it arrived.

So I mulled my options for a few months and then decided to put it back on ebay, hoping to get what I paid. Bought it in December, sold it in May. Sold it for about 25% more than what I paid.

A little unintentional ebay arbitrage…

This may be related to Tom D’s posts about the shortage and delay in new bikes being supplied by the bike companies. If you can’t get a new (whatever brand) tri bike in time for your season, you might be willing to pay more for a good used one on ebay. I think a lot of the folks selling there are aware of the shortfalls of the current supply chain. Of course I could be way off here…