Seeking Feedback: Sunglasses

hey folks,

i’m in the market for a new pair of bike shades and am soliciting feedback on the brands most used in this forum. i’m leaning toward the rudy project ekynox based on the amount of coverage it provides (wind seems like it couldn’t slip around the frame into the eye), but am open for any and all suggestions.

also, if you have interchangeable lenses, what two or three colors are a must?

many thanks,

gboy (freezing in boston)

edit: forgot to mention, i won’t wear sunglasses on the run, so these are going to be pure riding glasses.

I know tom is probably going to come in here and talk about Oakleys but I really like my Rudys. I have the skeey’s their stuff is very good, lasts long, and workds well. Plus the company has a very good policy regarding their lenses.

As for lenses I would suggest 2, a dark one (whatever you like) and a low light day. (I personally like the persimmon… don’t know why but I feel that they really help on those low light hazy days)

I’m a long-time oakley user.

My current pair is the Pro-M frame, heater lens (Black Iridium).

The wrap-around design keeps light from sneaking through the sides.

The black iridium lens is the darkest they offer.

The mirrored front can come in handy when you see a pretty girl.

The glasses never slide down my face.

I hope this helps!

The big thing when buying sunglasses is make sure that they don’t have a "bar’ going across the top that obscures your view when riding in an aero position on the bike.

As for myself, I have a pair of “Jokelys”. They are those cheap imitations that look like the real thing. They say “Oakley” on them and only cost about ten bucks. I gave up on expensive sunglasses years ago because I either lost or broke them. Went thru three $200. sets in one summer. Ever since I’ve bought cheapy brands.

I’m like you cerveloguy. I gave up buying expensive sunglasses years ago. My current pair is the Foster Grant Ironman that I bought at Walmart. They work well enough and if I lose or break them it’s no big loss.

I would rather spend the $100 or more for sunglasses on entering a race.

4 words: Oakley Pro M Frames. Awsome glasses.

Two colors that I would get is a clear orange for the cloudy, rainy days. Then a mirrored lense. Depends on where you live. Arizona you wanna go for something like the blue lance armstrong lense color since it’ll make the sun look like a moon. =) If you don’t live in that type of area, try a lower color so when you go under a bridge you’ll still be able to see. Check out Oakleys Mad Science lab. It’s got some stuff in there about them.

I got some ekynoxes last year as a present. They’re nice for head down riding because they don’t act like wind scoops but the lenses get covered in sweat fast because they’re so close to my face. I like Smiths better. They makes some that come with yellow, orange and grey in the case. The orange is great for snow and and the yellow for low light. REI has the smith’s on sale sometimes. I think I paid about 80 for mine.

A big part of buying sunglasses is fit. You can get some great deals of some sick shades over the net, but you no way of telling if they will fit. While I agree both the M Frame and the Rudy Projects are nice shades they didn’t work for me on the run. (Way to bouncy) I currently think the Oakley Racing Jacket is the ultimate Tri-shade, but that’s just my opinion.

I wear a pair of glass lens Vuarnet Rx sunglasses just about every day of the year. I have a pair of Rudy Project Kerosene’s with the Rx insert, but I find that the Rx insert is too close to my eyes. The air flow is not so great and they tend to fog. I’ll wear them running because they are much lighter than the Vuarnet’s, but the optics of a glass lens are tough to beat.

If you are lucky enough to not need glasses, or are comfortable with contacts, (I’m not), then you have a much wider choice in front of you. I find that too dark a lens is a greater problem than too light a lens. When you get into the woods in off road racing it can get dark in a hurry if your lenses are too dark. I can’t go without glasses, so I’m stuck with the lens choice.

I’m not a fan of “cheapie” sunglasses. You only get one pair of eyes, and it serves you well to protect them as best you can. That includes impact protection and sun damage.


I’ll highly recommend my Adidas Gazelle. Is promoted as runners-glasses, but perfect for riding too (and Triathlon, Skiing, Sunbath…). Light, adjustable in “all” directions. With the correct adjustment, the top bar goes out of the sight, even riding bent forward. No fogging, and perfect optics: The brown glass is fine during daylight/sun (and snow/water-reflections), with no problem riding into shadow or weather-changes (starts raining). The yellow glass is perfect for cloady days, and really improves the sight in fog, rain and the dark.

(The Adidas Evil Eye - the ride glasses used by Jan Ulrich is horrible - heavy, big frame…)

hey folks,

i’m in the market for a new pair of bike shades and am soliciting feedback on the brands most used in this forum. i’m leaning toward the rudy project ekynox based on the amount of coverage it provides (wind seems like it couldn’t slip around the frame into the eye), but am open for any and all suggestions.

also, if you have interchangeable lenses, what two or three colors are a must?

many thanks,

gboy (freezing in boston)

edit: forgot to mention, i won’t wear sunglasses on the run, so these are going to be pure riding glasses.

Hi, I have RP ekynox glasses with three different lenses. I have tek red (photochromatic), laser blue and clear deg lenses. I also have RP Rydon glasses which are a litte lighter. These are really good sunglasses. regards, Frank

(The Adidas Evil Eye - the ride glasses used by Jan Ulrich is horrible - heavy, big frame…)

Actually, I rather like the Evil Eyes, and Jan uses Rudy Project exclusively - usually the Ekynox.

If you think that the EvilEyes are heavy, it’s just because you are spoiled by the Gazelles. The EE’s are one of the lighter sunglasses on the market (much lighter than Rudy ekynox or Kerosene, for example,) but I think the Gazelles are just about the lightest available.
I own both Gazelles and Evil Eyes, and use the Evil Eyes almost exclusively. They have a full frame as opposed to a half frame like the Gazelles, which is why they are heavier. They also have slightly larger lenses, and come in two sizes.

The EE’s are my favorite sunglasses right now - they come in a bunch of colors, have outstanding optics (Austrian made) available in an obscene variety of tints, and the slighly larger frame (as opossed to the Gazelles) gets the nod for protecting my contacts. Prescription inserts are also available, and are quite light.

Before I decided I liked these I tried…
-Rudy Ekynox, Kerosene, and Tayo
-Several styles of Smiths

  • Bolle
  • Cebe
  • Oakley (definately my second choice, and a company you can feel good to support…)

For purposes of full disclosure, I have in the past been sponsored by Smith, Cebe, Rudy Project, and (I think) Bolle. Adidas occasionally gives me glasses these days, but I REALLY like them. Honestly.

Yes but there is only 10 people in the World who can really fit sunglasses. I happen to be one . Watch for my new fit classes or send $150 and I get you fit correctly

I buy my sunglasses on sale from Performance for about 20 bucks, work fine and I don’t have to worry about anything happening to a $100+ investment.

Where can someone find these Jokelys?

I was really disappointed with the Rudy Ekynox glasses I got about a year ago. The worst thing is the big frame blocks my view looking back over my shoulder. That makes riding in traffic very difficult. They are also hot and don’t vent well. If I am riding hard and get hot, when stopping at a red light they tend to fog up completely. Looking down at my peddles or rear wheel is difficult because the fat rim obscures the view. When looking down they tend to tip up so the rim is right across my field of view. I’m not sure about the optics. When I first look through them the view seems to be distorted but then I get used to it and it seems ok. For running, I haven’t had a bouncing problem but they feel hot and sweat gets on the lenses. Just last week I gave up on the Rudy’s and got a pair of Bolle’s that were on sale at Performance for $35 with two lenses. I’ve had them before and they are light, have very clear optics, vent well and don’t obstruct my vision with a big fat rim. The styling is not as cool as Rudy but at least I won’t get run over by a car hidden behind a big fat rim. If you do go with Rudy, I’d get one of the rimless styles like the Kerosene, but I havn’t tried them myself. I just think it would help with riding in traffic.


“Where can someone find these Jokelys?”

I bought mine last summer in a mom and pop convenience store owned by a Korean family. They had a whole box of them sitting there so i bought about four pairs since I knew I’d break or lose some of them. Don’t know where they got them from. They’re replicas of real ones and unless you have a real pair of Oakleys in your hand it’s initially hard to tell, although the quality is obviously considerably inferior.


My .02 I used Oakleys for the last 8 years, but finally got tired of the expenses involved with them, they are expensive to begin with and they really only last about 3 years of solid use. I think the sun drys out the plastic and then they easily crack. I have had and used Mframes and Zeros they keep raising the cost of repairs and finally the cost to repair them was more than buying a new pair of Rudy Project Kerosenes. They are heavier than the Oakleys and took me a little time to get used to them, but since then I use them for both riding, and running and they are very comfortable. Long time use I can’t answer yet as I have only had them for a year now. I also got a pair of 720 Eye Armour glasses at the Hainan triathlon last year and will try them out as well this season, very light but don’t know what quality they are.


I had done the Walmart Ironman shades, and three pairs broke. I figured that I should spend a bit more $$.

Maui Jim’s MJ Sport, $110. Polarized, won’t ever get anything else.

I purchased the Rudy Project kerosene a couple of years ago and was very unhappy with them. The frame color faded very quickly and the rubber earpieces and nosepieces kept coming off. Not to mention that they weighed a ton. I recently went with the NIKE airelon sunglasses and have been much happier. They don’t have interchangeable lenses, but they are light as a feather and stay on your face no matter what.
