Secret to removing race stickers from helmets?

Does anyone have a secret to removing the left over residue and backing that sometimes stays on your helmet when you take off your race number sticker? I’m currently worthy of serious style demerits for the look of my helmet! My wife suggested running the helmet through the dishwasher, but something tells me I’ll regret that when I crash and need the helmet to hold together. Another idea I’ve heard it so soak the afflicted part of the helmet with some sort of kitchen oil. I can imagine what that will smell like in a few months on a long ride in warm weather as it seeps out of the pores. Any GOOD ideas???


I have used my biodegradable chain degreaser (clean) and that seems to get it all off. I have also used White Lightening Clean Streak. Just a little right where the number was seems to do the trick.

Good Luck,

Try Windex and a fingernail. Just soak it well and scrape it off. I’ve used this on my helmet and bike several times!

I use rubbing alcohol. It does the trick.

Goo Gone, or is it Goo B Gone. Not too hard to find. Simple Green will probably work also, just not as easily. Rubbing alcohol? Be carefull using anything too powerful, like paint thinner or gas, as it might screw up the plastic.

my remedy is a little WD40 or chain lube to work of the residue. then use any type of soap or detergent to clean the area up. works every time. use this for my handle bar tape, unwanted decals, etc.

take them off as soon as possible after the race. The longer they are on… the harder they get.

I NEVER put those stickers on my helmet. Do you know the only races that use those? The ones that have a race photographer! That is why they are there! I don’t put 'em on my lid and I still get pictures back! Easiest solution? Don’t even mess with them - into the garbage can!