Ride for West Coast SlowZwifters?

i don’t want to get too far out over my skis here, but i’m hearing from my fellow left coasters.

our rides, right now, for you (us) take place, in Pacific Time:

Tue, 4pm
Thur, 10:30am

i can see how either would be tough. the thing is, when i asked about what folks wanted for the hilly vanilli maybe, what, a dozen max wrote anything in the thread? and then more than 100 of you showed up for the first ride. (which i’m glad you did! but there was no indication how many would show up, which is our conundrum in planning out new rides.)

what i’d need is for more of you to chime in here and convince me it’s worth the effort for us to do this, AND we’d need folks who’re willing to take this on as ride organizers, conceivers, leaders, cheerleaders. so…

were we to do this:

  1. what day?
  2. what time?
  3. what format?
  4. are you offering yourself as a regular ride leader?

Good stuff, been wishing you’d start one later

  1. what day? Any day
  2. what time? Any time after 5pm PST
  3. what format? I’m easy
  4. are you offering yourself as a regular ride leader? regular probably not, occasional… sure (but I’m going to Tucson to ride next week so can’t start right away)
  1. T-Th would be best
  2. After 6pm
  3. Time or mileage doesn’t matter. Would prefer something sub 2.5 w/kg
  4. Hard for me to commit to be ride leader.
  1. What day- Any day
  2. What time- After 5:30 pm
  3. What format- Any
  4. Ride Leader- I would be more than happy to volunteer myself as a ride leader.

Poll just went up for a possible ride.

We seem to have a poll math fail… 24% plus 5% plus 5% plus 0% plus 71%, for the five options.

Anyway, 6:30 left-coast time works out to 7:30 for us Mountain time folks and that is pretty workable. I don’t think I’d be there every week but I’d make time when I could.

  1. What day- Any day
  2. What time- After 6 pm (the suggested Wednesday 6:30PM sounds great)
  3. What format- Any
  4. Ride Leader- Probably not…I’m a newbie at zwift (low end of watts/kg, unless I wanna start kg doping)