Renn wheel

Thsi is in response to everybody who has talked about this Renn problem in IM California. I am the individual who had the wheel come apart. I had put my brakes on about 100 yards prior to getting a flat to slow to the required 25 mph. The tire flatted and I came to a stop withing about 15 to 20 yards as it was a fairly steep descent. The whole wheel was so hot I could not grab the wheel and than realized that the carbon fiber portion had seperated from the metal braking surface (rim) and rotated about 1/4 around the wheel. I tried to figure out how to get a new tire on and inflate it to limp the remaining 16 miles to transition 2. Had no luck with this and realized my race was overwith. I contacted Frank that afternoon from my hotel room and I could tell immeaditly he was concerned that it had wrecked my race and trip. Frank also contacted me on Monday after I flew home and said he would make it right with me and was very concerned. While I do not have a lot of experienced with Renn wheels I do feel that I just happen to get a “lemon” and do not feel that they are a bad wheel. I have been in this sport long enough and have experienced several equipment failures throughout the years. Some have been because of my stupidty and some because of the failure of the equipment. Frank has so far acted in the most professional way and at this time I would not have any second thoughts about using any of his products. As far as my friend, Rob, he did buy me dinner as we had a bet on the winner buys but it was a very cheap mexican dinner.


thanks for posting what happened. Glad you were not hurt. Hopefully you will be buying dinner soon.

All the best,


ertri, Good of you post this information. From the little I have seen of Frank’s products I have a favorable impression. Thanks for giving us the facts of the matter.