Great things come to those who wait. I finally got my wheel from Renn. It took almost two months to actually take posession of the wheel. At the brink of frustration for such a wait, it finally arrived.
I raced it at a local time trial event and managed to cut 1:05 mins off of my 12 mile TT time. I could be explained as new gear syndrome, but I like to think of it as a great wheel that came to a guy who waited for quality and economy. The two terms can cohabitate, and are resident at RENN.
Talking to Frank, it must have been the fact that everybody wants one. This is good. The good guys must survive. Frank’s one of the good guys.
Just ordered mine on Monday. I’m told it should be here in 4-5 weeks!
I’m just waiting for the campy compatible to order mine…
They will release for production this month or next…
I have one complaint about my Renn… it doesn’t sound nearly as cool as my old 2 ply Hed Disc… that thing would make the meanest rolling sound and a very satisfying roar with each pedal stroke.
Felix, I asked the same question back in January on the forum and got no replies. I e-mailed Frank and he said aomething like a couple of months which I thought would be the spring tri season. I have neither heard nor seen any info as of today about the wheel. I am about reay to jump to a Hed3.
Bob Sigerson