Remember to rmind your friends and especially family members to pay attention while driving. That we, as cyclists, and runners our on the road. That they do not have to drive three lanes over to pass us. Just move to the yellow line and that will fine. Pay more attention for people on sidewalks and for people running. It would be devasting if you as a athlete hit another athlete because you were not paying attention.
I’m ranting because my next neighbor came within micrometers of hitting be on my bike last night.
What I always find amazing is that car drivers don’t seem to see me until the last second when I am out running.
Next time you are out running towards traffic, on the soulder, as you should be on roads with no side-walks, try this: Observe how many cars really don’t see you until they are very close to you despite being in the drivers field of vision for some time. All of a sudden they swerve dramtically over towards the center line or into the other lane, often without signalling.
In case of me: How is it that car drivers can’t see a 6 foot tall runner, wearing a bright yellow shirt, running right at them, in broad daylight? Strange!
I completely understand what you are saying about the swerving driver not paying attention until the last minute. On the other side of things when I am riding on back roads I have been experiencing more and more drivers actually trying to scare me by driving very close to me when passing (several times just missing me with their mirrors and hearing them laughing as they pass). I also had a group of people in a car throw out a pack of firecrackers at me which I did not really see until they went off. I almost swerved off the road and wrecked as it totally startled me.
It really is amazing what goes through certain peoples heads.
The only way I have found to consistently reduce deliberate driver harassment is to move to where the per capita pot consumption is the highest. High alcohol consumption areas are the worst. My other plan would be to get an NRA jersey so you are perceived as one of their kinfolk.
The only way I have found to consistently reduce deliberate driver harassment is to move to where the per capita pot consumption is the highest. High alcohol consumption areas are the worst. My other plan would be to get an NRA jersey so you are perceived as one of their kinfolk.