I have struggled with weight (body composition, fat) most of my life. About 10 years ago I was 300 lbs and triathlon has been a huge part of my fitness journey. I still yo-yo some; 210s is technically still not very lean for my height but that’s where I feel good and most of my PRs have come. I had a back injury and a bout with depression and got up into the 250s last year.
I tried the Maffetone - carb restricted, quality fats - diet and that got me back to the 230s but then I stalled. Also I noticed a major performance effect - all through base phase training I was fine with very low carbs and many fasting workouts. But once I went into TrainerRoad’s build phase, with a lot of efforts over threshold, I was really struggling to hit the targets - and reintroducing carbs has improved this to such a degree I am thinking I need to repeat my FTP test.
So I’m convinced that overly restricted carbs is not my long term best - I need to reintroduce some carb foods strategically.
I do have a problem with craving carbs once I start eating them.
Maffetone didn’t have me measuring serving sizes or counting intake, but I know that if carb foods are on the menu I will need to get back to my fitness pal or some other means of balancing energy intake vs. energy output.
In the past I’ve done better with whole grains and mixing proteins and fats in rather than eating an all-carbs meal or snack, so I know that’s part of the plan.
I’d appreciate suggestions about how to reintroduce carbs and carb heavy foods in a way that will help my training and allow me to continue with weight loss.
Also if you have any insight about what triggers cravings, or how to deal with cravings when they occur, please share.