Recovery after Appendicitis

Just one week before my first attempt at an Olympic length race I got Appendicitis. I am just curious what length of recovery other have had after the surgery. My surgery went well and I was discharged after one night in the hospital. I am still pretty sore but my Doc said I could start riding the trainer this weekend, hit the pool and treadmill in the next week or ten days. Any advice?

I had my appendix out through a laproscopic appendectomy (no big cuts) about 4 yrs ago - and it wasn’t much fun. Mine burst while I was on the table, so I was in the hospital for a week with all sorts of IVs and antibiotics.

I was able to walk pretty much ok the week after surgery, and jog two weeks after. I don’t think I would have been able to race, however you have to remember I was stuck in a hospital bed for a week - so that affects yoru body too. Within a month I had most of my strength back, and was able to run a 5k with my college running class (I love college gym classes, all I had to do was go running twice a week!) and actually come in 3rd (21 something I think).

Hope that your recovery is speedy, but don’t try to push too hard. The worst part for me was that my abs hurt a TON for a long time afterwards. I had not much core strength to start, but had even less after the surgery. I’d say that you should follow your doctor’s suggestions, they sound pretty reasonable. If you have the big incision, I’d say to be careful in the pool since there are all sorts of things floating around in there.

Just my two cents. Peace,


I also had laproscopic surgery recently. Surgery was March 10th. Two days later I went to the tri club meeting (Mike Pigg was there and worth it). Lots of walking that first week. Went and swam one week later and was able to “shuffle” on the track. I didn’t get on the bike or the trainer until just short of 2 weeks post-op. I couldn’t really fathom being in the bent over position that much.

Swimming was fine, walking and slow jogging was fine. The bike took the longest to get back to. And, I was surprised about how long it’s taken me to resume full training (at least 6 weeks), though at 3 weeks post-op, I did have some minor surgical-related complications. It’s not the surgery per se, but rather being under for a length of time that zaps your energy. This weekend will be my first race, one day short of 10 weeks post-op.

Josh and Cathy,

Thanks for taking the time to reply. This is my rookie year and I am trying to remain optimistic about my recovery. I am going to push my Doc for the limits about activity during my recovery and hope to start working with a Medical massage therapist this week so that I can recover as quickly and fully as possible.

Scott In MD

Well, I’ll one-up y’all. I had both the conventional surgery and the laprascope thing. They punched four little holes in my belly but couldn’t get the 'scope to work, and then gave me a nice four-inch gash. I ended up with three little wounds and a big slash, all stapled up like a kindergarten class did it.

Given that all four scars are arranged as corners of a square, if I have my shirt off at races, it looks like I once pinned my number bib directly to my stomach. I actually tell people that if they stare too much – “Yeah, I know – at my first race I didn’t know you were supposed to pin it to your shirt.”

I was healed up and going full speed after about 14 days. Just avoid situps for a bit.