Real coaching podcast

If you haven’t heard this podcast yet, you are missing out

REALLY good stuff. Getting better every episode. The latest episode is on Polarized training. It’s on iTunes as well.

Thanks Joel and Paulo.

yea i thanked them yesterday on twitter… welcome to the club

Hey thanks for that. It’s been fun so far, and nice to get feedback.

This week we have Jan Frodeno’s coach Dan Lorang as a guest, whom many probably don’t know, but is definitely a ‘Real Coach’.


Really enjoying the podcast too. Looking forward to the next episode.

Not sure what you have planned for the podcast, but if you are looking for ideas, I would like to see an episode or 2 on the various “schools of thought” wrt coaching and what type of athletes / events respond better to different types of coaching. I alluded to this on Facebook as well.

Great podcast. Some extra data for you guys if you haven’t already seen this study published in September.

Good ideas, thanks Jason.

Different types of training and different types of coaching styles. Lots to think about there.

Listened to the polarized training episode it was interesting even if the dude with an accent is hard to understand sometimes.