Ran 1:42 Half marathon yesterday....IMAZ run split?

Just wondering what ST says my run split could be. Didn’t kill myself in the half marathon yesterday. First two miles were warm up then picked up the pace the next 6 miles and ran steady after that.

What do you think I’m capable of off the bike. Saturday was a 3k swim workout, 100 mile ride and 7 mile run brick.

This is pretty accurate. http://www.personalbestnutrition.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1223516487

What’s your goal for the run leg at IMAZ?

That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I had a goal in mind when I started training, but training hasn’t gone 100% due to some injuries, so now I’m trying to determine what I should shoot for.

That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I had a goal in mind when I started training, but training hasn’t gone 100% due to some injuries, so now I’m trying to determine what I should shoot for.

I don’t know the link, but I believe the Macmillan running calculator will predict pace for X based on Y.


According to that, a 1:42 1/2 would result in a 3:35 open marathon, so somewhere between there and 4:00?


This is pretty accurate. http://www.personalbestnutrition.com/...BB.pl?num=1223516487


My stand alone 1/2m was 1:42 and I went 4:17 in IMFL.

from QT2 Systems Coaching… the Triathlon Calculator: http://www.triathloncalculator.com/

it’s kind of eerie how accurate it is.

3:24, obviously.

You will get between 4:09 and 4:26


Maybe you should ask the crystal ball :wink:


Setting time expectations will only lead to either disappointment or even worse, you limit yourself to what you are capable of doing. Just my opinion on using time as a variable for goal setting.

You will get between 4:09 and 4:26

That would work better if he ran the half Mary as a race, but it sounds like he ran it more as a training run following a full day’s workout.

I would guess closer to 3:45 to 4:00 based on the information provided.

I will guess 4:30 based on the information provided.

Can you give out a prize for the correct guess?

I will take 4:25

Are we playing Price is Right rules? If so, I pick 1 minute.

I like the PBN link as well. Haven’t used it to extrapolate IM run yet though. Will let you know in 2 weeks.

I vote for about 4:10- that is almost an identical split to what I did pre- az last year and 4:10 was my run

Somewhere between 3:50 and DNF.

In the last month before my only iron man, I ran a 95 min half (it was pretty medium pace, not tempo) the day after a 115 mi. ride and a 93 min. run split the next week in a HIM. I was pleased as punch to run a 3:45 in the iron man.