Racing heart rates

What are typical racing heart rates for sprint, international, half, and full ironman races? I know everyone’s will be different - but I assume that if you are well trained, you should probably race the different distances at certain heart rates relative to your lactate threshold heart rate - and this should be roughly the same for everyone…

Lets say you are 30 y.o. - max HR = 190, LT HR = 175 on the run, LT HR = 170 on the bike.

Can you race a 1 hour sprint above LT? An international at LT, a half IM a few beats below LT ,and a full IM a lot below AT?


OK, I’ll bite: Average hearty rate at Ironman Canada 1997 for 10:45:00 was exactly 150 bpm at 35 years old. Avg. H.R. for a sprint distance race at my age now (41) is between 177 bpm and 183 bpm but has been as high as 188 bpm. I “cruise” on a training run at 172-178 bpm. On the bike if I am at 173 bpm that is going pretty darn hard, although on the Computrainer 191 is not too unusual in an all-out effort, as a matter of fact, its pretty common.

Run LT 179: Bike LT 169: Max HR 194
1/2 IM bike: 155-160
1/2 IM run: 165 building to 180
Sprint Bike: 180-185
Standalone 5k Run: 190
5k during sprint tri :185
Marathon: 155 building to 165.

I have a Polar 510

The other day on my bike it read 217 bpm at 66 MPH…hahaha

sorry, off topic :slight_smile:

The only time my Polar HR monitor goes above 200 is when I go by a yard with an “Invisible Fence”!

havent tried it in a tri yet, but i ran a 1/2 marathon yesterday, on pace with a pb.

I was avg 174, max 195 during the final km.

My zone 3 (LT threshold) is 163, and “zone 5” - speed work begins at 175.

Lots of hills, but its funny b/c i usually hold 175ish for a 5k as well. (was actually 166 2 weeks ago)


Yeah, I don’t actually believe I was going that fast or had that heart rate. I have noticed that after a 30 mile ride, my mileage says around 20 occasionally.

I think the thing is not trustworthy.