Question for Wild Flower Veterns

I was looking at the profile for Nasty Grade. It appears to have up to a 12% grade section. Can anyone confirm this.

Also, being a WF newbie, not sure what to expect. Anybody care to give some WF DOs and DONTs.


I was there last weekend, and here’s what I can tell you. I do not think it hits 12%, if it does, it is not for very long. The thing about Nasty Grade is where it comes in the ride. Starting just before mile 42, you take a left turn and the road slowly starts to rise. It keeps getting steeper with some curves in it - I was in and out of the saddle here, in my top three cogs. At just over a mile, it takes a left turn in to a wall. This is steep, and pretty long - maybe 1/2 mile, but it seems much longer. I was out of the saddle in my 26 for this.

As you look up, you think you see the top. You don’t. You see a little flat area maybe 100 feet long, then you turn right and climb again for maybe another 1/2 mile or so. From here you have a descent, then another climb that is not quite as steep, but had a headwind at the top of it. This is followed by a fast descent. The hills are more reasonable after this.

We fought a pretty harsh head wind on the first 1/2 of the course, and Nasty was pretty punishing after that. I run Campy 10, and plan to bring both my 13-26 and 13-29 cassettes with me to Wildflower. I’ll ride Nasty a couple more times before Saturday and decide which way to go after that.

Hope this helps. As another Wildflower newbie, I would love to hear tips from some veterans.


Well, ive done WF three times (oly twice and 1/2 once) so by no means am i vet, but ive got some tips. Experience hills on the run and bike before the race. Experience race pace in heat before race day, WF can be very hot. Know how to pace yourself----and go out on the bike understanding that you have a horrendously difficult run following this fairly hard bike ride.

Be prepared to have to walk your bike and all of your crap up that damn hill after the race-----cause only really special people are allowed to drive down (odds are, you nor any of your buds are that special, i know im not).

Be prepared to be given water and other supplies by possibly triathlons sexiest volunteers----the Cal Poly girls.

remember to have fun at some point during the day-----if you can not walk on the run, that can be a great accomplishment. The runs tough.


Last year was my 1st WF Long Course race. Changes I am making this year: Going to a 39 chainring from 42. Going much easier on Nasty than last year…spinning up this hill and staying in the saddle. I’m more than willing to sacrifice bike split time vs last year I hammered too hard. Also more focus on nutrition and hydration. It’s very easy to melt on the run if you havent’ hydrated enough on the bike.

The hills after Nasty are certainly more manageable. However after having climbed Nasty those last hills still hurt. All in all the last 1/3 of this ride feels as long as the first and really drains you going into transition. That being said, I am going out easy on the first few miles of the run this year.

Oh yeah, depending on the view, I might walk the mile 4 aid station on the run this year :slight_smile:

Thanks for the replys.

How about some info on the logistics of the camping scene. I’m coming in on Friday (hopefully before noon if I can get the family moving), so I won’t have time to get accustom to the surroundings.


Camping is first come-first serve. If you arrive late on Friday, not sure what you’ll find. Stay away from the TIT “encampment” and Harris Creek (that’s where they put the CalPoly kids and it’s very noisy all night). Lynch will be reserved. Redondo Vista will fill up, but you may find a spot there or in Overflow.

Remember that you will need to bring all your own food, drink, ice and water. There is a little store down by the expo and race area, but it’s very small and will run out of everything. There is prepared food at the expo, but you probably aren’t going to be schleping up and down the hill very often. We we stay is about 1.25 miles each way from the TA/Expo. There is another small store out at the Jolon Road turn, but that’s about 13 miles. Going out the other way, there is a nice little store at Bee Rock. Again, a good 10-15 miles away. Last minutes shopping can be done in King City.

Can be blazing hot during the day; cold at night.

Check the trees–last year there were hundreds of caterpillars falling out of the trees. In some areas, watch out for rattlesnakes. Put your food away at night. There are wild pigs there and they will come find your food if you leave it out.

What else?

Put your food away at night. There are wild pigs there and they will come find your food if you leave it out.
She’s not kidding. They scared the crap out of me last year. Expect them to be rooting around the campsites at night.

also plenty of deer, but as the week progress’s, they become more invisible. Last year I arrived late Wednesday afternoon, and there were deer everywhere, but by Friday they were well hidden, for good reason.

So if I’ve prepaid camping, it does not reserve me a good spot? Please clarify. I don’t mind being further away in order to have less setup hassles and since I’m leaving either Saturday late or Sunday Early I really only want to go to the TA/Expo to race. Oh, that brings up a question, I suppose I need to pick up my packet Friday at the Expo? Dirve/Walk, what are my options?

It’s on a first come basis. We always get there Friday afternoon and end up in overflow camping which is a ways up the road and up Lynch Hill. Overflow camping is essentially one huge dusty field. You just stake out a spot as the areas are not marked off like a KOA. There is very little shade out in overflow. We usually bring a tarp to rig up a little awning to one of our vehicles. If you want a spot closer to transition, you will need to arrive before Friday pm.

They do provide a shuttle service between overflow and the expo area. On Friday, you may be able to park the car near Lynch Hill and walk down the road to the expo (if you have family that isn’t racing). Usually, we ride the bikes down.

If you are planning on leaving Sunday, I would try to get out of the park early before the Olympic distance race gets underway.

Prepaid camping is NOT reserve camping. There is nothing reserved, unless you are a USAT official, vendor or other guest. I never do prepaid camping since I don’t know what day I’m going and the lines aren’t really that long and if the lines are long, it’s only a two-lane road until the last 100 yards so your pass does you no good until the bitter end.

Last year you had to leave by a certain time (I think 8:30 or 9:00 AM) on Sunday, or you were S.O.L. until like 1:00 PM since they shut down the roads for the Oly race and with that many people on that small of a course, that is the only thing they can do.

Yes, you must pick up your packet on Friday. And, there is NO driving anywhere near the TA/Expo. None, nada. Though they usually do run a shuttle bus up and down every .

I am coming in on Wednesday AM to claim a decent spot somewhere near a bathroom and hopefully a shower. Showers are cold water only, right?

I had a fabulous hot shower last night in the Redonda Vista campground. I don’t know if there will be any hot water race weekend, but it does exist.