I own a Litespeed Saber and use a carbon post (Syncros). I used an Alien before the Syncros after I noticed a creaking sounding and isolated it to the post. I put the Syncros on last week and during my LSD on Sun I heard the creak again. Only happens when i pedal. Is the sound due to the carbon post in the Ti frame? My LBS said not to grease the post so it is dry.
The sound could be coming from the post in the frame or the saddle clamp. If you are getting some creaking from the post in the frame you might try some anti-seize compound- only a light coat- on the seatpost. Be sure the torque is correct on the binder bolt (I don’t know it off the top of my head but I thik it is in the Litespeed Owner’s Manual). Also be sure everything is nice and clean before applying the thin layer of anti-seize and assembling everything. If it still creaks I might be inclined to switch to another post. Having a seatpost fail causes a nasty crash. I wish I could see it in person…
I ride both a Schwinn Paramount (actually a Serrotta) Ti, and a Merlin Ariel, and both have carbon Alien seat posts. I have never had a creaking sound come from the post/frame area. I would think that Tom’s suggestion of some anti sieze compound would help, but I doubt it is because of the actual carbon/titanium combination per se.
Mike’s advice and experience only mirrors my concern. A friend of mine, Jim Potter, who used to be the warranty manager for Schwinn bicycles and before that worked with me in a bike shop here in Michigan and raced on a team I managed (Time/Bolle’), had a seatpost shear off his bike during a training ride moments after reporting a “creaking” noise. It was a structural failure. We had a Control Tech stem do the same thing for a customer named Steve Babcock and he also sustained injuries. Put it this way, after 57 parachute jumps (56 successful) I look at bicycle equipment the way I look at a parachute: If I have any doubts, I don’t jump it. Please carefully disassemble your seatpost and seat clamp assembly, inspect it thoroughly in good lighting after cleaning it. Examine the carbon post insode to check for internal failures with a flashlight. Be very thorough. If you suspect any kind of fracture or failure, retire it. Don’t take chances. This stuff is optimized for performance and light weight- not durability. It is racing equipment, not parts on your family car. Please be careful- Anti-seize may not be the cure for this.
I had the same problem with a Corima carbon seat post. Initally I thought the creaking was coming from the cranks then the aerobars, stem etc. I tighten everything to no avail. I finally zeroed in on the saddle clamps and the rear bottle cage carrier (attached to the saddle). Found some semi loose fitting, tighten them and viola success.
Thanks for everyones input. I’ll be checking my post this morning. BTW, do you know the torque/lbs (or whatever technical term) is needed to tighten the seat binder? I may have gone too tight on this. Will the Salsa seat post, the one with the “free” nut help?
I checked the Litespeed Owner’s Manual and there is no specific information on torque standards for seatpost binder bolts. To me, this is a big discrepancy on Litespeed’s part.