I’m having a quarq issue. It reads 0 watts all the time. My garmin is connecting to it, and the zero offset is working.
I connected it to Qalvin and checked the firmware. I’m on the latest version. The zero offset in Qalvin also works. I tried two different garmins and both said 0 watts while pedaling.
I replaced the battery and it still doesn’t work.
When i put the battery in, the red blinky light comes on and turns back off. When I back pedal 5 times, the light does not flash at all (even with a new battery).
Has anyone had a similar issue? It is one of the aluminum Rikens. I think it is about a year and a half old.
Had the same issue and contacted Quarq. What solved it was a hard reset as described below. I’ve attached the jpeg as well.
You can try a hard reboot to your power meter. This is done by connecting both terminals inside the battery compartment together and reinserting a new battery. We recommend using a set of pliers to make this connection. Make sure to touch the outside threads and not the black base of the compartment. I’ve attached a diagram to illustrate.