Does anyone know anything about these two bikes? Are they/were they any good? Does anyone have any pictures of them?
I’m just wondering what they are like.
Does anyone know anything about these two bikes? Are they/were they any good? Does anyone have any pictures of them?
I’m just wondering what they are like.
There is a picture of the redstone at which has them on sale and has resulted in the previous postings about this cool looking bike. One other comment to make regarding their sales … they also have a QR private reserve for the same price. The PR is newer with “shaped tubes” for aerodynamics so why doesn’t it cause the same excitement as the Redstone? Also, would the Redstone’s carbon gussets have the same corrosion problems that have been mentioned with the carbon seatstays?
I can’t answer about the carbon/frame corrosion, but my guess as to why the Redstone gleens more notice than the PR is that the Redstone is from back in the Empfield era of QR (and, apparently, Ves Mandaric built them, which I hadn’t previously known…cool). Those PR frames at bikefarmer are newer. I have the '01 PR frame and really like it. The thing I find interesting is the difference in the '01 PR seat tube shape from size to size. On my 59, it stays tear-drop all the way to the seat post clamp, while on every smaller size I’ve seen, it’s round at the top.