I have seen over the few months, people suggest that one consider pulling out of an IM, because they are having various issues. The latest being ejs in chicago with the knee problemm. My question is this: Has anyone done that? and what was the mental impact? A person has to sign up a year in advance and drop almost $400, mostly non-refundable.
I don’t think I could not start, save for a broken bone or serious injury, I am tighter than the skin on a grape to throw away $. I think I would try to find a work around.
What are other people’s opinions?
FYI: I am training for my first IM ( Wisconsin), and trying to juggle a new job, and my wife just gave birth a month ago to our first child. The thought of pulling out crossed my mind, but said WTF, give it my best shot.
I pulled out of IMLP in 2001. There was a lot of stuff going on, and the finances just were not there to make the trip comfortably. Wasn’t a big deal. I had also signed up for IMF, so I knew I would be there. I got back $150 out of $350, I believe. You know, I think my ex paid for that entry, and I must have just forgotten to send her that refund check… Damn!
You can always do an IM, but you can never make up that time away from your infant. Be careful you do not deplete that savings account of brownie points, either. IM is not the most important thing in the world. It is not really even high on the list. It should just be a fun challenge, imho.
I signed up for IMF when my life was a bit different than it is today. I have some lengthy, back-to-back trials that will basically kill my ability to prepare adequately for the race. That said, I will still go to tow the line on race day. I can safely complete the swim and bike notwithstanding limited training; it’s really just a pace issue for me. The run is my limiter. If I don’t get to train it much, I’ll either slog it, walk it or go home. I feel no shame in stopping after the bike. Either way it’s on my calendar, between trials, and I’m making a family vacation out of it. Good luck.
I was a DNS at IM NZ this year. Medical issues, beginning in January and resulting in surgery 10 days after IM NZ, really screwed up my training. Then, being in an auto accident on Feb. 1, resulting in no run/bike for another week and painful swimming put me out of the race (3/1). It was too late to withdraw with a refund and I already had my airplane ticket. I went, partied with my friends and got to actually SEE the pro race (which was awesome) and got to see six of my friends become Ironmen.