Precision and accuracy of Stryd

Given that power correlates to vO2, and in running it’s easy to run by feel or pace depending on course and conditions, what’s the gain in having a power meter? In cycling it’s obvious. What is it in running? I can go to a track and do intervals off pace perfectly. And in a race I am RACING, not trying to hit some power number. If I need to cover a surge, I will cover the surge if I feel I can. Or I can sit on a certain power and lose contact? WTF, no way.

The most common benefit people seem have found from running power is using it as a pacing tool in longer events. That is especially true in hilly races, but even in flat ones it can be helpful to have a real time, stable, and accurate indicator of your effort, something that, e.g., ordinary footpods or (worse) GPS often fail to provide.