Looking to make the jump to using power, any recommendations on reading material to help with transition.
Well Hunter and Coggan’s book is a very good place to start: http://www.amazon.com/Training-Racing-Power-Meter-Hunter/dp/1934030554
But focus on the concepts and ways to use the tool as the workouts are illustrations that reflect Hunter’s coaching philosophies not a universal power training plan. I’m not dissing Hunter or his coaching, just don’t take the example workouts as the gospel way to train with power, there are a lot of ways to make use of power in the context of a lot of differing training philosophies.
Here’s the jump start by the same authors covering some of the material from that book:
Charles Howe also has a very good intro to using power and methods based on Lydiard which should be familiar to many runners: http://www.trainingsmartonline.com/images/Free_Triathlon_Articles/Power_Cycling_Training.pdf
Two get recommended around here:
www.amazon.com/gp/product/1934030554/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1934030554&linkCode=as2&tag=krull-20"]training & racing with power by Coggan & Allen
The Triathlete’s Guide To Training With Power
I’ve used Coggins book (still the PM bible) but would also suggest Joe Friel’s The Power Meter Handbook
Both of Phil’s books are easily digestible and provide insight into what happens when you train.