Payment Method

Hey so I am thinking of signing up for IM Whistler at the expo next Monday after the race. Bunch of friends are doing the same that day but I lost my credit card and am waiting for visa to send me a new one. Anyone have any idea of how I could pay my entry fee? Do they take those loadable visa cards? Anyone ever tried?

Go to bank. Withdraw money. Give money to friend. Explain situation at Expo. Have friend charge your entry fee on his card. Done

Tell the Credit Card company that you need the replacement card expedited. They may charge about $20 bucks or so, but they’ll overnight you a new card.

Most eCommerce systems accept prepaid cards.

Source: I build eCommerce systems for a living and this:

It may (probably will) go through as debit, but that shouldn’t be an issue.

2nd just to go get the cash from the bank. Either pay by cash, get a cashier’s check or money order, or what bryan recommended.