P2K vs Custom

Still struggling in my search for a Tri-training/racing bike. Based on research and reviews I was leaning toward a P2K(providing it was a good fit) the main drawback is the nearest Cervelo dealer is 130 miles away in Chicago, not to practical for service and tweeking. Just the other weekend I stopped by a closer bikeshop, only 38 miles away the owner seemed straightforward and knowledgeable the shop seemed very active in Triathlons they had a bunch of trainers set up and a group of guys just finished riding and had gone out for a run. He had quite a few Tri bikes in the store but seemed to think he could make me a custom bike that would be a better bike for the money. By the way I never mentioned that I was interested in any specific bike. Specifically he mentioned an Airborne Zeppelin frame with Ultergra Components, Syntac Aerobars and Ksyrium wheels and we were talking about the same price as the P2K. I like the idea of the support and service of a Tri- active bike shop but do not know enough about bikes to know if this is the way to go. Any opinions would be welcome. Thanks.

Hmmm, this is a good post and a good question. I think I might be inclined to work with the local guy if you have faith in his fit abilities. That’s key. What it boils down to is not necessarily what bike you bike but where you buy it and how it fits. That is super important. I would “weight” my decision more on that. Both good bikes. I sell and love Cervelos (bought three for myself this year- a P3, R2.5 and a Soloist Team). Good luck.


Just FYI, the Zepplin and P2k have very different geometries, road vs. tri. You mentioned ‘custom’, I’m not sure if he meant custom in the parts put on the bike vs. custom geometry. Something to think about.

Thanks for pointing out the Zepplin is Airborne’s Road bike frame. The Spectre is their multisport frame and thats the one to compare to the P2K. Buy the way I pulled the trigger and decided to go with the Spectre so the process begins. Thanks for your ,Norm.